Best choice for a subscription


Hello everyone,

In order to reduce my costs, I would like to do a 3 three year subscription, however I don't know at the moment which one to choose.

My problem is that : I use an Ec2 machine and sometimes I switch from "t2.large" to "t2.2xlarge" during periods of high activity (which happens 1 to 3 times a month). I also sometimes switch to "t2.micro" on weekends or after work hours.

Despite this, I can not reduce my costs, so I would like to take a subscription that would allow me to have some flexibility, a machine that could adapt to my workload and at lower cost.

I thank you in advance.


Rather than look at Reserved Instances, why not consider a Savings Plan. You still commit by spending up-front in much the same way you would with a Reserved Instance but there is flexibility in which instance types you use.

For example, t2 instances have long been superseded by t3 and if history is anything to go by, there will be faster, more powerful instances in our future. A Savings Plan allows you to take advantage of that without being tied into a specific instance type or size.

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回答済み 1年前
  • Thank you for your answer.

    However, since on the account, there are several EC2 machines that are not all mine, is it possible to subscribe for a Savings Plan only for my machine ? Is that what we call "EC2 Instance Savings Plans"?

    Also at the level of the hourly commitment, how does it work afterwards for the type of instance I want to use?

  • No, you can't create a Savings Plans that applies only to a single machine. You can't do that with Reserved Instances either. Both services apply a discount to the account as a whole - but I find that Savings Plans are more flexible. i can't reliably tell you what the discount is because there may be other factors in your account (such as other Savings Plans) - it appears as if there are multiple users there.


The Savings Plan would apply to all usage in the account. It will automatically apply to give the biggest discounts (thus the most savings) to the entire account. A Compute Savings Plan is the most flexible and would cover the most types of instances, the EC2 Instance Savings Plan will give bigger discounts on a smaller set of instance types. (Pricing page has details on what instance types are in each plan with the discount information.)

As this is shared account, you may want to collaborate with the other owners to purchase to cover the usage expected across the account. I recommend looking at the Cost Explorer Savings Plan recommendations to see what coverage levels make sense in your environment.

回答済み 1年前

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