SQS FIFO Queue Not maintaing the order for same message group id.


I have a FIFO queue, and the queue consists of two messages as of now M1 and M2 having same message group id M. The retry is 10 for queue. M1 got failed while processing the message by the consumer. And after some time, the message M1 should be consumed and processed by the consumer aka retried. But the consumer is consuming M2 few times and few times M1. The order is not maintained for the messages having same message group id.

質問済み 3ヶ月前75ビュー

One of the mechanisms that can break the order of messages in FIFQ queue is DLQ. Please see this documentation and notate the following:

Don’t use a dead-letter queue with a FIFO queue if you don’t want to break the exact order of messages or operations. For example, don’t use a dead-letter queue with instructions in an Edit Decision List (EDL) for a video editing suite, where changing the order of edits changes the context of subsequent edits.


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