CloudShell not connecting


How to connect AWS Cloudshell even i refresh the browser?

Unable to connect to CloudShell

質問済み 1年前374ビュー

There might be several reasons that causes issues when trying to launch your Cloudshell environment.

One of the most common scenarios is having some permission restrictions with your IAM identity for accessing Cloudshell:

1. Unable to start the environment. You don't have required permissions. Ask your IAM administrator to be granted access to AWS CloudShell

Issue: When you attempt to launch AWS CloudShell from the AWS Management Console, you're denied access and notified that you don't have required permissions.

Cause: The IAM identity that you're using to access AWS CloudShell lacks the necessary IAM permissions.

Solution: Request your IAM administrator to provide you with the necessary permissions. They can do this either through adding an attached AWS managed policy (AWSCloudShellFullAccess) or an embedded inline policy. For more information, see Managing AWS CloudShell access and usage with IAM policies.

For more troubleshooting scenarios please check the Cloudshell troubleshooting guide

As alternative to those scenarios I leave you some other potential issues that can cause this behaviour:

  • Make sure you launch the CloudShell in a supported region.
  • Ensure there are no policies that could be denying CloudShell, e.g. SCP (AWS Organizations), managed policies, permission boundaries.
  • Make sure your machine's time is accurate (e.g. synchronize your time using a time server).
  • Make sure your account is fully verified (if it's a brand new account) - contact AWS Support for that.
  • Try restarting CloudShell via Actions --> Restart CloudShell.
  • Try deleting the home directory via Actions --> Delete AWS CloudShell home directory.
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回答済み 1年前
profile pictureAWS
回答済み 1年前

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