upgrade a database


Hi, I am trying to upgrade from Aurora (MySQL 5.7) 2.09 to 2.10.1.

All my databases (Master and slaves) are configured as t3. I now see that T3 databases don't support Performance insights anymore. When I try to modify my databases to remove performance insights, the option is not on my panel. How can I remove performance insights without changing my T3 instance type to upgrade to 2.10?

質問済み 2年前222ビュー

Hi, sorry but it's hard to say exactly what's happening without looking at the specifics (if you have an AWS support plan, I'd advise opening a support case).

But anyway, if the console is not helping, I'd try the AWS CLI next, with this command:

$ aws rds modify-db-instance --db-instance-identifier myinstancenamehere --no-enable-performance-insights --apply-immediately

As long as disabling Performance Insights is the only modification, there is no downtime to the database instance.

Hope this helps!

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