Hitting a limit with Lambda concurrency at just 10 instances


I have produced a simple experiment whereby a parent Lambda function invokes in parallel 10 instances of the child Lambda function. For some reason, one of the child instances does not begin for almost a second after the other 9 instances returned their response. Here is the code for easy reproduction of the problem:

The child Lambda function:

import json
import time
from stats import Timer, ms_now

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    begin = ms_now()
    timer = Timer()
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps(
            {'time': timer.stop(),
             'begin': begin,
             'end': ms_now()

The parent Lambda function:

import boto3
import json
import concurrent.futures
from stats import Timer, ms_now

client = boto3.session.Session().client('lambda')

def do_lambda():
    mybegin = ms_now()
    timer = Timer()
    response = client.invoke(
        FunctionName = 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:497857710590:function:wherewasit-search',
        InvocationType = 'RequestResponse',
        Payload = json.dumps({}))
    payload = json.loads(json.load(response['Payload'])['body'])
    print(f"Thread began: {mybegin}   Child Lambda began at {payload['begin']} and took {payload['time']}ms   Response after {timer.stop()}ms")

def do_work(n_threads):
    timer = Timer()
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_threads + 1) as executor:
        futures = []
        for i in range(n_threads):
        for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
    print(f"Joined all: {timer.stop()}ms")

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')

Both Lambda functions use the stats module for time measurements:

import time

def ms_now():
    return int(time.time_ns() / 1000000)

class Timer():
    def __init__(self, timestamp_function=ms_now):
        self.timestamp_function = timestamp_function
        self.start = self.timestamp_function()
    def stop(self):
        return self.timestamp_function() - self.start

Here is the output of the parent Lamda function:

Thread began: 1699451717589   Child Lambda began at 1699451717602 and took 500ms   Response after 517ms
Thread began: 1699451717585   Child Lambda began at 1699451717602 and took 500ms   Response after 522ms
Thread began: 1699451717587   Child Lambda began at 1699451717604 and took 501ms   Response after 521ms
Thread began: 1699451717591   Child Lambda began at 1699451717606 and took 500ms   Response after 518ms
Thread began: 1699451717593   Child Lambda began at 1699451717608 and took 501ms   Response after 519ms
Thread began: 1699451717596   Child Lambda began at 1699451717610 and took 500ms   Response after 517ms
Thread began: 1699451717594   Child Lambda began at 1699451717609 and took 500ms   Response after 519ms
Thread began: 1699451717598   Child Lambda began at 1699451717615 and took 501ms   Response after 521ms
Thread began: 1699451717600   Child Lambda began at 1699451717614 and took 501ms   Response after 519ms
Thread began: 1699451717602   Child Lambda began at 1699451718837 and took 501ms   Response after 1739ms

Notice how the timestamp of the beginning of the child Lambda in the last line is much later than the rest of the instances. It looks like I am hitting some limit, but I could not find anything relevant in the documentation. What is this limit and how do I work around it?

P.S. The question at SO

質問済み 7ヶ月前227ビュー

The answer is obvious, but I was not aware of it. So I will write it for whoever searches for this question in the future. In the absence of reserved concurrency, there is an account-level limit, which can be seen in Configuration->Concurrency. For me it was "Unreserved account concurrency: 10". However, I did not find a quota with this name in the quota list. So, I guess it is the quota called "Test events (console editor)" and it is not adjustable...

回答済み 7ヶ月前

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