Issue regarding the MySQL RDS IAM authentication using node.js



I am trying to implement RDS IAM authentication using node.js. For that, I have followed these steps


I am trying to implement AWS RDS IAM authentication using node.js. For that, I have followed these steps

  1. Create a publicly accessible RDS Mysql database
  2. In security group, I have port number 3306 with CIDR =
  3. Enable IAM authentication in RDS.
  4. Open mySQL shell
  5. change the mode to mysql mode using \sql command
  6. Connect to mysql instance using the command

\connect <UserName>@<HostName>

enter the password to connect

  1. Execute the following commands

CREATE USER test_user IDENTIFIED WITH AWSAuthenticationPlugin AS 'RDS'; ALTER USER 'test_user'@'%' REQUIRE SSL;

  1. In IAM, create a user with the name "test_user".
  2. Create IAM user with same name as database user
  3. Attach the following policy with the user

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "rds-db:connect" ], "Resource": [ "<database ARN>/test_user" ] } ] }

  1. Open node.js command prompt and install aws-sdk and mysql plugins using the following command. npm install aws-sdk npm install mysql

  2. Open notepad and write the following node.js code

var mysql = require('mysql'); var AWS = require("aws-sdk");

const signerOptions = { region: <region>, hostname: <host>, port: 3306, username: 'test_user' }

const signer = new AWS.RDS.Signer(signerOptions) const token = signer.getAuthToken()

var connection = mysql.createConnection({ host: <host>, user: 'test_user', password: token, ssl: 'Amazon RDS',
port: 3306 });

connection.connect(function (err) { if (err) { console.error('Database connection failed: ' + err.stack); return; }

console.log('Connected to database.');



When I run the code, I am getting this error

"Database connection failed: Error: ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client"

For that, I have executed the following command in mysql shell.

UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = 'test1234' WHERE User = 'test_user' AND Host = '<host>';


ALTER USER test_user IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'test1234';

But now, I am getting the error

Access denied for test_user@<IP address of my laptop>

Please help me


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