Get Metadata About Currently Running Nimble Instance


I'm trying to retrieve some Nimble metadata about the currently running session from within the session (like you would with the IMDSv2, but for Nimble information).

I tried to find a mapping between anything available in IMDS and the information available through the aws nimble terminal command, but was not able to. I have also tried exploring the filesystem for any Nimble information, but all I found was the studio ID.

I am specifically trying to retrieve the stop time so that I can warn a user that they're about to be shut down.

Is there anything like this?

質問済み 10ヶ月前238ビュー

Hi Arthur,

Thank you for your response. Luke Klaassen will be reaching out to you shortly. As a workaround for this issue, please note that the session id is written to: /opt/amazon/nimblestudio/bin/ I believe you can access the session ID there.

Please feel free to reach back out if Luke Klaassen has not contacted you.

Best, Calvin

回答済み 10ヶ月前

Hi Arthur,

I checked with Nimble Studio Engineering. Please note that unlike EC2 spot instances which offer a notification within the instance, Nimble Studio does not have such a notification within the instance. The customer must build a custom notification mechanism to query streaming sessions (nimble:ListStreamingSessions) in their account and monitor the stopAt timestamp which will be future dated based on the session length they choose. Please feel free to respond with any questions!

Best, Calvin

回答済み 10ヶ月前
  • Hi Calvin,

    Thank you for looking into this, I am trying to build this solution for our pipeline now, but I am struggling to find a way to get the Nimble Studio session id from within the session to use alongside list-streaming-sessions (or get-streaming-session) to find the data pertinent to the current session rather than all sessions.

    Would there be anything that would allow this? On the EC2 side, I can curl to get the EC2 instance id, but I fail to see anything like this for the streaming session id.


Hi Arthur,

Thank you for your response and additional context. Please note that you can find the session ID in the Nimble agent on the streaming instance. Can you please confirm what platform you are using? Then, I'll revert back with additional detail.

Best, Calvin

回答済み 10ヶ月前
  • Hi Calvin,

    Thank you, we use CentOS 7.

    Best regards, Arthur Uzulin

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