SSL verification


We are facing a problem with our SSL through AWS has two verification codes to use because our website works with the root domain but we also have the www added to the domain on the SSL for good measure. So we have two SSL verification codes that need to go into CNAME. We know we can add multiple CNAMES and setting up the www alias updates on our registrar without a problem (although still unvalidated by AWS) . However the root domain CNAME alias is the one presenting issues and my registrar just told me that they do not support root level CNAMES and to contact the SSL provider. Anyone experience this or have a workaround?

  • I am still a little unclear where your issue is. Is it ACM certificate validation. Is it dns. What does your setup look?


Is your domain hosted by Route 53 or by a third-party registrar? It sounds like it's the latter, and also that you're not delegating management of the domain to Route 53, is that right?

the root domain CNAME alias is the one presenting issues and my registrar just told me that they do not support root level CNAMES

Afraid you're not allowed to have a CNAME at the root of the domain (a.k.a. the apex domain) if that's what you're trying to do here

If your requirement is to add a record to DNS to facilitate validation of a certificate in Amazon Certificate Manager then you need to add a CNAME record similar to what you've already done with the www record.

If you're creating a cert for and ACM says to create a bespoke CNAME for it, you create the CNAME that is formed of the long ugly string appended by the host (or domain) for which the certificate is being requested. As you (or your registrar) has been able to create a CNAME then you should also be able to create a CNAME (or whatever it is you need to create).

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