adding www to dns


Our domain resolves with but we'd like to make sure also points to the same site. If we add that as an A record should be add it with the ip addresses that are there, or do we need to add it as a resource alias?

Side question, using dns propogation checkers we're noticing some intermittent issues with the domain (we have the servers entered that they told us , all 4) is that normal?

質問済み 2ヶ月前142ビュー


If you want to point a subdomain to an A record domain, I think it's a good idea to register it with a CNAME record.
For example, in the future, when the IP address changes due to server migration, simply changing the IP address of the A record will change the direction of the CNAME record, which I think will be convenient.

Side question, using dns propogation checkers we're noticing some intermittent issues with the domain (we have the servers entered that they told us , all 4) is that normal?

It may be that the domain propagation is taking a long time or that the name resolution is not working properly.
If the problem is not resolved even after a few days, it may be a good idea to review your DNS settings.

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回答済み 2ヶ月前
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レビュー済み 2ヶ月前

Thanks I'll set it up as a cname, so and route traffic to , correct?

The domain has been up for hmm... at least 10 days. but I am noticing random resolution problems on sites like whatsmydns which is showing 2-3 locations not resolving now, dnschecker seems fine. but a couple hours ago whatsmydns was showing it failed in all locations. mxtoolbox seems to indicate that it's all good.

回答済み 2ヶ月前
  • dnschecker and whatsmydns are not all-purpose tools, so if something affects them during the check, you may not be able to properly confirm domain propagation. If the name can be resolved using the dig command or nslookup, I don't think there will be any problems.

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