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Short answer - no, to create a custom image you must start with an unencrypted WorkSpace. Longer answer - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workspaces/latest/adminguide/encrypt-workspaces.html
There are no workarounds for this, you must start with an unencrypted WorkSpace. Custom Images are not interchangeable with EC2 AMIs.
- AWS公式更新しました 2年前
- AWS公式更新しました 2年前
- AWS公式更新しました 2年前
- AWS公式更新しました 2年前
https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/mgn/home?region=us-west-2#/welcome It seems that the application migration service might be a solution where you can install an agent on your computer to migrate it to EC2. Since the OS in Amazon Workspaces is actually based on Windows Server, this might be a possibility that I might try however not sure it will work with licensing etc... and in the end it might take me longer to experiment and get this working than to just start from scratch - but certainly a feasible path from what I can tell on surface level.