Exam revoked after pass the exam!


Today I completed the AWS Practitioner exam and submitted the survey, I thought the exam was completely done. And upon Seeing the word “ PASS” on my screen, I couldn’t contain my excitement. Eager to share this achievement with me family, who are currently far away, I unfortunately and unknowingly too a picture of the result using my phone.

Then the Proctor alerted me to the prohibition of mobile devices. Only then did I realized that the bold line explicitly stating that photographing is not allowed.

I really want to assure you this was an unintentional mistake on my part. I had already completed the exam and the survey before taking the picture…….

What should I do. So frustrating….


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    Best regards,

質問済み 5ヶ月前438ビュー

This is not something that re:Post can help you with.

Please reach out to https://www.aws.training/support for support on this matter, however, if you had a mobile phone in the room of the exam, be prepared that you may not have a successful appeal, and will have to retake the exam.

回答済み 5ヶ月前

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