Getting error while creating service in Amzon ecs


Hi,Enter image description here I created a Cluster and When I try to create a service using Httpd 2.4. I am getting the following error which is attached


The error message you're seeing indicates that the ECS Deployment Circuit Breaker was triggered. This feature is designed to prevent failed deployments from impacting the overall service health and availability.

The Circuit Breaker gets triggered when the number of consecutive deployment failures crosses a certain threshold. The reasons for these failures could be numerous, such as task definition issues, resource constraints, networking issues, etc.

Here are some steps to troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Check Task Definition: Make sure that the task definition is correct and all the required parameters are properly configured.

  2. Check Resource Availability: Ensure that there are sufficient resources (CPU, Memory) available in the ECS cluster to run your service.

  3. Check Networking Configuration: Verify that the networking configuration (like Security Groups, VPC, Subnets) allows the tasks to be scheduled and communicate as needed.

  4. Check Service Event Logs: The ECS service event logs can provide more detailed information about the errors causing the deployments to fail.

  5. Check CloudWatch Logs: If your tasks are configured to send logs to CloudWatch, you can check there for any error messages or exceptions.

If none of these steps help, I would recommend reaching out to AWS Support. They have access to more detailed information and can provide more specific assistance.

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回答済み 1年前

Hi, an easy first step is to try to pull and run this container image on your image on your laptop via the docker runtime. If it also fails on your laptop, debugging will be much simpler than on ECS. When image is working on your laptop, then you can try again on ECS and see if you've solved all issues for ECS.

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回答済み 1年前

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