Unable to create S3 Storage Gateway in N. Virginia


For Support: In the screen after inputting the IP address of the custom EC2 instance and click on "Next" I get a "Page Cannot be Displayed" page. Other Regions are OK. Please fix.

質問済み 1年前303ビュー

Hello, It looks that you are encountering activation issues after providing the IP address of the EC2 instance of storage gateway. I would suggest checking below :

  1. Verify that your workstation is able to connect to port 80 of the Storage Gateway EC2 instance. To narrow down, you can choose the option to "Use default settings" when launching the EC2 instance.

  2. Verify the EC2 instance is able to connect to storage gateway endpoints on port 443.

  3. Verify that you are using the latest AMI ID for the storage gateway EC2 instance. You can get the latest AMI ID using the following command or launching the EC2 instance from the storage gateway wizard.

    aws --region us-east-2 ssm get-parameter --name /aws/service/storagegateway/ami/FILE_S3/latest

Please refer this article for further troubleshooting. Thank you.

profile pictureAWS
回答済み 1年前

Indeed the browser was not able to see the Storage Gateway. Fixed, thanks.

回答済み 1年前

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