Amplify UI stand-alone libraries documentation is incomplete?


I'm currently attempting to integrate my React client with my API gateway. I have the following architecture:

  • React client using the aws-amplify/auth and aws-amplify/api libraries
  • API Gateway with HTTP api (JWT authorizer)
  • Lambda function attached to a /helloworld endpoint in the api gateway

The official Amplify documentation seems to be incomplete. In particular:

1. amplifyconfiguration.json and ResourcesConfig

amplifyconfiguration.json configuration structure and options seem to not be exhaustively listed anywhere. These are passed to Amplify.configure at the top-level of the app, listed in the documentation like this:

import config from "@/amplifyconfiguration.json";
Amplify.configure(config); // suggested in the documentation to be declared before the App function
export function App({ signOut, user }: WithAuthenticatorProps) { ... }

These configurations are expected to be of the type ResourcesConfig (not explained in the documentation). This becomes confusing specifically when attempting to use the aws-amplify/api library.

2. API library usage largely undocumented

Leveraging the API amplify request library apparently makes authentication something that does not need to be handled manually. A few issues with the documentation example:

  • (await fetchAuthSession()).tokens?.idToken?.toString(); violates the top-level await incompatibility with the majority of browsers. This is suggested to be declared top-level in the documentation.
  • apiName is required to abide by some(?) validation, however this is not explained at all in the Amplify documentation. Specifically, when making a request I see InvalidApiName: API name is invalid.. My apiName is set to the "Name" field for Api Gateway.



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