s3 trigger configuration at an impasse


I have a lambda function in Python3.8 runtime deployed as a docker container via serverless application. I need an s3 trigger to initiate this lambda, which I created some time ago during the original deployment. I recently redeployed the function and now the trigger doesn't work, I cannot update it, I cannot create a new trigger to initiate the function, and I cannot delete the event notifications on the s3 bucket

This is the error I get when I try to create a new event notification on the s3 bucket:

Configuration is ambiguously defined. Cannot have overlapping suffixes in two rules if the prefixes are overlapping for the same event type.

When I try to delete the existing event notification, it does nothing. If I try to create an s3 trigger on the lambda I get this error:

An error occurred when creating the trigger: Configuration is ambiguously defined. Cannot have overlapping suffixes in two rules if the prefixes are overlapping for the same event type.

I removed the whole service via serverless and changed the name. When I tried to redeploy the function (under a new name) with the event defined in the serverless.yml, I got this deployment error:

Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: Unable to validate the following destination configurations 

How can I delete or update the existing resource so I can get this trigger working???

  • I am facing a similar issue. I created a lambda function to test the S3 trigger, deleted that function, and now am unable to re-create a trigger with the same rules.

    I get the following error: An error occurred when creating the trigger: Configuration is ambiguously defined. Cannot have overlapping suffixes in two rules if the prefixes are overlapping for the same event type.


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