Elastic Graphics card EC2 Windows instance AUTOSCALING



I have an Windows EC2 instance on which runs an graphical heavy load application so i created an AMI from the Windows instance and launched new W-EC2 from that AMI and attached the Elastic Graphical card(GPU) . I was trying to figure it out how to Autoscale that. I created a launch template/configuration but i don't have a field to introduce the Elastic Graphical Card.

I know that the process of adding EGC is that you can only add it at launch, then you have to login , download EGC software and restart the EC2 in order to get the GPU added to the Windows EC2.

My questions are:

How can i automate this process?

How can i achieve autoscaling for my application?

Any answer, blog or documentation to read regarding this will be helpful. Thanks in advance!


Hi Daniel,

I understand you want to auto scale your Elastic Graphic Card(GPU). Your Elastic Graphic Card will auto scale when the instancel aunched has been configured to auto scale, all you need is the AMI and select which instance you need to be launched. In addition, I have provided a documentation for the automation of AMI creation using Systems Manager [1].

Refere to references

[1] https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/ec2-systems-manager-ami-automation/

回答済み 2年前

I have the AMI and when i configure the autoscaling template/configuration(the settings of my "to be" Windows EC2) , it does not have a slot of configuring Elastic Graphical card.

回答済み 2年前

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