Cannot compile a mixed model with Huggingface and normal Pytorch content and AWS Neuron


I am initializing an inf1.6xlarge Sagemaekr instance via

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/neuron.repo > /dev/null <<EOF
name=Neuron YUM Repository

sudo rpm --import

# Update OS packages 
sudo yum update -y

# Install OS headers 
sudo yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r) kernel-headers-$(uname -r) -y

# Install git 
sudo yum install git -y

# install Neuron Driver
sudo yum install aws-neuronx-dkms-2.* -y

# Install Neuron Tools 
sudo yum install aws-neuronx-tools-2.* -y

# Add PATH
export PATH=/opt/aws/neuron/bin:$PATH

# Install Python venv 
sudo yum install -y python3.7-venv gcc-c++ 

# Create Python venv
yes | conda create --name aws_neuron_venv_pytorch python=3.7
#python3.7 -m venv aws_neuron_venv_pytorch 

# Activate Python venv 
source activate aws_neuron_venv_pytorch
#source aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/bin/activate 

python -m pip install -U pip 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.7 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_pytorch --display-name "Python (torch-neuron)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install PyTorch Neuron
python -m pip install torch-neuron neuron-cc[tensorflow] "protobuf" torchvision transformers sagemaker

then I use a Jupyter Notebook and run

import os
#import tensorflow  # to workaround a protobuf version conflict issue
import torch
import torch.neuron
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from import Dataset, DataLoader, RandomSampler

from transformers import BloomTokenizerFast, BloomForCausalLM

model_id = "bigscience/bloom-560m"
tokenizer = BloomTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_id, )
model = BloomForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id)

class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, pre_trained_model):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.pre_trained_model = pre_trained_model

    def forward(self, text, attention_mask):
        token_length  = int(torch.sum(attention_mask).item())
        inputs, out = text[-token_length:].unsqueeze(0), []
        model_out = self.pre_trained_model(input_ids=inputs)
        logits = model_out.logits[:, -1, :]
        logits = logits * torch.tensor([range(250880)])

        log_probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
        input_token = torch.multinomial(log_probs, 1)

        return torch.tensor(out)

n = Net(pre_trained_model=model)

dummy_input = "Dummy input which will be padded later"
max_length = 128
embeddings = tokenizer(dummy_input, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length",return_tensors="pt")

neuron_inputs = (embeddings['input_ids'][0], embeddings['attention_mask'][0])

neuron_net = torch.neuron.trace(n, neuron_inputs, compiler_workdir="./workdir", separate_weights=True)

Then I get the following error

/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python number might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ TracerWarning: torch.tensor results are registered as constants in the trace. You can safely ignore this warning if you use this function to create tensors out of constant variables that would be the same every time you call this function. In any other case, this might cause the trace to be incorrect.
/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python number might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ TracerWarning: torch.tensor results are registered as constants in the trace. You can safely ignore this warning if you use this function to create tensors out of constant variables that would be the same every time you call this function. In any other case, this might cause the trace to be incorrect.
INFO:Neuron:There are 2 ops of 2 different types in the TorchScript that are not compiled by neuron-cc: aten::__or__, aten::embedding, (For more information see
INFO:Neuron:Number of arithmetic operators (pre-compilation) before = 1820, fused = 1774, percent fused = 97.47%
INFO:Neuron:Compiling function _NeuronGraph$2460 with neuron-cc; log file is at /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/workdir/129/graph_def.neuron-cc.log
INFO:Neuron:Compiling with command line: '/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/bin/neuron-cc compile /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/workdir/129/model --framework TENSORFLOW --pipeline compile SaveTemps --output /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/workdir/129/graph_def.neff --verbose 35'
huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks...
To disable this warning, you can either:
	- Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible
	- Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false)
INFO:Neuron:Compile command returned: 1
WARNING:Neuron:torch.neuron.trace failed on _NeuronGraph$2460; falling back to native python function call
ERROR:Neuron:neuron-cc failed with the following command line call:
/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/bin/neuron-cc compile /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/workdir/129/model --framework TENSORFLOW --pipeline compile SaveTemps --output /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/workdir/129/graph_def.neff --verbose 35
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch_neuron/", line 414, in op_converter
    item, inputs, compiler_workdir=sg_workdir, **kwargs)
  File "/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch_neuron/", line 264, in trace
    'neuron-cc failed with the following command line call:\n{}'.format(command))
subprocess.SubprocessError: neuron-cc failed with the following command line call:
/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/bin/neuron-cc compile /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/workdir/129/model --framework TENSORFLOW --pipeline compile SaveTemps --output /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/workdir/129/graph_def.neff --verbose 35
INFO:Neuron:Number of arithmetic operators (post-compilation) before = 1820, compiled = 0, percent compiled = 0.0%
INFO:Neuron:The neuron partitioner created 1 sub-graphs
INFO:Neuron:Neuron successfully compiled 0 sub-graphs, Total fused subgraphs = 1, Percent of model sub-graphs successfully compiled = 0.0%
INFO:Neuron:Compiled these operators (and operator counts) to Neuron:
INFO:Neuron:Not compiled operators (and operator counts) to Neuron:
INFO:Neuron: => aten::Int: 444 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::ScalarImplicit: 1 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::__or__: 1 [not supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::add: 98 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::arange: 2 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::baddbmm: 24 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::bitwise_not: 1 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::bmm: 24 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::copy_: 1 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::cumsum: 1 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::detach: 2 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::dropout: 72 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::embedding: 1 [not supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::empty: 1 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::expand: 2 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::floor_divide: 24 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::layer_norm: 50 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::linear: 97 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::lt: 1 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::masked_fill: 24 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::mul: 243 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::ones: 1 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::permute: 48 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::pow: 1 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::reshape: 97 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::select: 72 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::size: 174 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::slice: 83 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::softmax: 24 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::sub: 1 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::tanh: 24 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::to: 28 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::transpose: 48 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::unsqueeze: 9 [supported]
INFO:Neuron: => aten::view: 96 [supported]
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_3923/ in <module>
      3 # Trace a module (implicitly traces `forward`) and constructs a
      4 # `ScriptModule` with a single `forward` method
----> 5 neuron_net = torch.neuron.trace(n, neuron_inputs, compiler_workdir="./workdir", separate_weights=True)
      6 #neuron_net = torch.neuron.trace(n, neuron_inputs, separate_weights=True, subgraph_builder_function=subgraph_builder_function)

~/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch_neuron/ in trace(func, example_inputs, fallback, op_whitelist, minimum_segment_size, subgraph_builder_function, subgraph_inputs_pruning, skip_compiler, debug_must_trace, allow_no_ops_on_neuron, compiler_workdir, dynamic_batch_size, compiler_timeout, single_fusion_ratio_threshold, _neuron_trace, compiler_args, optimizations, separate_weights, verbose, **kwargs)
    215         logger.debug("skip_inference_context - trace with fallback at {}".format(get_file_and_line()))
    216         neuron_graph = cu.compile_fused_operators(neuron_graph, **compile_kwargs)
--> 217     cu.stats_post_compiler(neuron_graph)
    219     # Wrap the compiled version of the model in a script module. Note that this is

~/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch_neuron/ in stats_post_compiler(self, neuron_graph)
    529         if succesful_compilations == 0 and not self.allow_no_ops_on_neuron:
    530             raise RuntimeError(
--> 531                 "No operations were successfully partitioned and compiled to neuron for this model - aborting trace!")
    533         if percent_operations_compiled < 50.0:

RuntimeError: No operations were successfully partitioned and compiled to neuron for this model - aborting trace!

Below in the first "answer" I also added some logs.

It would be great if you could tell me what I am doing wrong here. 🙂


If it is helpful, the logs (log-neuron-cc.txt) say ...

04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: ***************************************************************
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:  An Internal Compiler Error has occurred
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: ***************************************************************
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: 
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: Error message:  ERROR: NEFF archive without accelerator or cpu compute ops is not supported. Please check that your model has non-constant computation that is dependent on the inputs listed in --io-config
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: 
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: Error class:    AssertionError
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: Error location: Unknown
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: Command line:   /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/bin/neuron-cc compile /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/workdir/129/model --framework TENSORFLOW --pipeline compile SaveTemps --output /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/workdir/129/graph_def.neff --verbose 35
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: 
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: Internal details:
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/", line 224, in
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/commands/", line 580, in
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/commands/", line 558, in neuroncc.driver.commands.CompileCommand.CompileCommand.runPipeline
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/commands/", line 562, in neuroncc.driver.commands.CompileCommand.CompileCommand.runPipeline
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/", line 289, in
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/", line 30, in neuroncc.driver.Pipeline.Pipeline.runSingleInput
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/", line 289, in
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/", line 30, in neuroncc.driver.Pipeline.Pipeline.runSingleInput
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/", line 289, in
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/jobs/", line 429, in
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/jobs/", line 379, in
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/jobs/", line 380, in
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/jobs/", line 401, in
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   File "neuroncc/driver/jobs/support/", line 205, in
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: 
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: Version information:
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   Neuron Compiler version
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   HWM version
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   NEFF version Dynamic
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   TVM version
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   NumPy version 1.18.5
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   MXNet not available
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]:   TF not available
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: 
04/22/2023 08:43:01 PM ERROR 22701 [neuron-cc]: Artifacts stored in: /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/workdir/129
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