Creating stack from CloudFormation - instance type (t2.small) is not supported


Working with simple cloudformation template with Oregon region selected. Using Create Stack from the Designer UI, the stack begins creating resources. When it gets to the instance the error is:

Your requested instance type (t2.small) is not supported in your requested Availability Zone (us-west-2d). Please retry your request by not specifying an Availability Zone or choosing us-west-2a, us-west-2b, us-west-2c. (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: Unsupported; Request ID: 8b4565c4-86c1-42fc-ba1b-4afc8d28dd96; Proxy: null)

I'm not at all specifying the AZ. I'm having a lot of doubt that any AZ doesn't have a t2.small it can provision.

What is going on? How do I avoid this?

質問済み 2年前694ビュー

We do have a support guide and a doc on this linked below. One addition recommendation I would make that it does not also suggest is using a newer instance type. You will note that the pricing and performance of a t3 vs a t2 is better to go with later generations. In addition, there are more quantities of current gen than previous generation.

Why am I receiving the error "Your requested instance type is not supported in your requested Availability Zone" when launching an EC2 instance?

Insufficient instance capacity

回答済み 2年前
profile pictureAWS
レビュー済み 2年前
  • Thank you Michael. Learning more every step of the way. I now understand that a specific instance type like T2.Small is actually not an option in every AZ. It might be there in some and not others inside of a region.

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