coredns remains Degraded after EKS cluster creation


Hi there,

We managed to create a EKS cluster and add managed node group into it to house our containerized applications for a new project. Here are the steps we took:

  1. Create a VPC and public subnets with CloudFormation console according to the steps in

  2. Create EKS cluster with EKS console

  3. Add-ons tab of newly created EKS cluster always show below exception in coredns Status: Degraded Version: v1.8.7-eksbuild.1

This coredns issue could hinder launching new managed nodes into the cluster in remaining cluster setup process. Any idea? Thanks.

質問済み 2年前11431ビュー

Hi there,

Did you review the description of the health issues reported for the CoreDNS add-on?

You can get the description of the health issues reported for the add-on by following the steps below:

AWS Console >> EKS Clusters >> click the cluster name >> add-ons >> coredns >> Health Issues

The CoreDNS status can be Degraded if there are no worker nodes in the EKS Cluster causing the CoreDNS add-on to encounter InsufficientNumberOfReplicas health issues i.e to be unhealthy because it doesn't have the desired number of replicas.

To resolve this issue, follow the steps here to launch Amazon EKS managed node groups of nodes that register with your Amazon EKS cluster.

回答済み 2年前

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