Need help on CloudQuest Cloud Data Warehouse LAB


on this lab I have created a materialized view as following:

by player (mv_players_purchases_amount)-

SELECT as Id, as Name, '$'||SUM(g.purchases) as Total_Purchases FROM players_schema.players_data p, players_schema.games_data g WHERE p.game_details = GROUP BY,

how do I query the created materialized view to find the total purchases by a player with id 12345. Now I have queried FROM players_schema.players_data p, players_schema.games_data g but I cannot do it FROM by player (mv_players_purchases_amount)... I get an error stating The redshift statement failed. Review it and try again!....

please if anyone out there can help, I would appreciate it.

  • This is really a Redshift question, don't see why you have the Athena and Glue tags. Test the materialized view query by itself.

  • yes I have tried the materialized view but it states that Total_Purchases is not queried by the mv_players_purchases_amount... when I query with mv_players_purchases - it works but somehow with _amount it doesn't work. ugh

  • how would the query go ? has anyone out there done this Cloud Data warehouse Lab on cloud quest under Data Analytics please help.

    Update: it gives me and ERROR: column "total_purchases" does not exist in mv_players_purchases_amount

  • You need to provide more details with a reproducible test case. It should include the DDL for the tables and materialized view and include the SQL query you are executing with the error message.

質問済み 1年前274ビュー

I had a similar issue that was actually a typo, particularly with the word "purchases" vs "purchase". Double check your spelling of the table and the query to confirm.

回答済み 9ヶ月前

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