Not able to upload large files on nodejs app on Elastic Beanstalk


Hello guys, I deployed my web app on AWS Elastic Beanstalk and cannot able to upload large files. Small files upload works perfectly, but when I upload large size files, it gives me an error Request entity too large.Enter image description here

and my folder structure is below - Enter image description here

and .ebextensions folder I have two files - Enter image description here

and in logging.config - Enter image description here

and in nginx.config - Enter image description here

Please anyone guide me on where I am doing wrong, thanks for your time.

質問済み 2年前326ビュー
profile pictureAWS
回答済み 2年前

If you're storing the file in S3, the maximum size the file can be is 5 TB. The maximum for a single put command is 5 GB.,using%20the%20Multipart%20Upload%20capability.

回答済み 2年前

Also, if you are using multipart uploads, you might want to check out this article. AWS stores failed Multipart uploads in your S3 bucket and you pay for them. You don't have to use 7 days and wait that long for it to take effect. 1 day is the minimum. This article also shows you how to see if you have this storage in your bucket.

回答済み 2年前

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