How do I run Athena queries for pretty-print JSON files?

2 minute read

When I run Amazon Athena queries on pretty-print JSON files with JSON SerDe, my queries fail with the following error message: "HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: Row is not a valid JSON Object".


Athena JSON SerDe doesn't support pretty-print JSON files, such as the following file:

    "id": "b179db57-9d5b-40c8-8f07-f75bd1fa1b3c",
    "random_number": 19,
    "categories": [
        "category 1",
        "category 2"
    "dict": {
        "name": "category 1",
        "comment": "category 2"
    "id": "bc4624ce-d752-4e38-8a30-42de158dbc50",
    "random_number": 95,
    "categories": [
        "category 1",
        "category 2",
        "category 3",
        "category 4"
    "dict": {
        "name": "category 2",
        "comment": "category 1"
    "id": "1d3298e8-e3bb-41c0-950c-6a146555ce3c",
    "random_number": 89,
    "categories": [
        "category 1"
    "dict": {
        "name": "category 5",
        "comment": "category 3"

Because Amazon Ion is a superset of JSON, use the Amazon Ion Hive SerDe to query non-Amazon Ion JSON datasets. Unlike other JSON SerDe libraries, the Amazon Ion SerDe doesn't expect each row of data to be on a single line. Use this feature to query JSON datasets that are in pretty print format, or break up the fields in a row with newline characters.

1.    Create a table that's similar to the following one with Athena Ion Hive SerDe:

    id string,
    random_number int,
    categories array<string>,
    dict struct<name:string, comment:string>
LOCATION 's3://sample-bucket/prefix/'

2.    Query the table:

SELECT * FROM table_name

The output looks similar to the following output:

#	id	random_number	categories	dict
1	b179db57-9d5b-40c8-8f07-f75bd1fa1b3c	19	[category 1, category 2]	{name=category 1, comment=category 2}
2	bc4624ce-d752-4e38-8a30-42de158dbc50	95	[category 1, category 2, category 3, category 4]	{name=category 2, comment=category 1}
3	1d3298e8-e3bb-41c0-950c-6a146555ce3c	89	[category 1]	{name=category 5, comment=category 3}

Related information

Why do I get errors when I try to read JSON data in Amazon Athena?

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 years ago