How do I capture a screenshot of an unreachable Amazon EC2 Windows instance for troubleshooting?
2 minute read
I want to capture a screenshot of the Amazon EC2 instance to check its status. But, I can't use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect to my Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Windows instance.
Short description
An EC2 Windows instance might be unreachable for various reasons, such as network configuration, permissions, or high CPU use. The status of an instance might be unreachable even if the instance is running and otherwise appears healthy. To help identify why the connection attempt fails or times out, use the Get Instance Screenshot feature.
You can use the Amazon EC2 console or AWS CLI to get a screenshot of an unreachable instance. The Get Instance Screenshot feature returns an image of the Windows desktop. This image looks similar to the view when you directly connect to the instance with a display monitor.
For screenshot examples and troubleshooting steps for the issues that are featured in those examples, see Common screenshots.