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How can I retrieve and then analyze my CloudTrail Logs with CloudWatch Logs Insights?
I want to use Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights to retrieve and then analyze my Amazon CloudTrail Logs.
Short description
After you configure CloudTrail to log CloudWatch Logs, you can use queries in CloudWatch Logs Insights to retrieve the CloudTrail logs. Then, you can monitor specific account activity.
Use the following queries to retrieve CloudWatch Logs to analyze and explore Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and object activity. Note that by default, CloudTrail doesn't capture Amazon S3 data events. You must turn on event logging in CloudTrail to retrieve event logs for S3 buckets and objects.
You can build on these example queries to create additional and more complex Logs Insights queries that align to your use case. You can also integrate queries with your CloudWatch dashboard to visualize your queries as charts and graphs alongside related metrics.
Query 1: Latest events
Retrieve the most recent CloudTrail Log events with the default @timestamp and @message fields.
#Retrieve the most recent CloudTrail events fields @timestamp, @message | sort @timestamp desc | limit 2
@timestamp | @message |
2022-02-18 17:52:31.118 | {"eventVersion":"1.08","userIdentity":{"type":"AssumedRole","principalId":"AROAWZKRRJU47ARZN7ECC:620d7d78144334d6933c27195cae2a98", "arn":"arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed- role/Amazon_EventBridge_Invoke_Run_Command_371790151/620d7d78144334d6933c27195cae2a98","accountId":"123456789012", "accessKeyId":"ASIAWZKRRJU4Y45M4SC6","sessionContext":{"sessionIssuer": {"type":"Role","principalId":"AROAWZKRRJU47ARZN7ECC","arn":"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service- role/Amazon_EventBridge_Invoke_Run_Command_371790151","accountId":"123456789012","userName": "Amazon_EventBridge_Invoke_Run_Command_371790151" (output truncated) |
2022-02-18 17:51:52.137 | {"eventVersion":"1.08","userIdentity":{"type":"AssumedRole","principalId":"AROAWZKRRJU43YP4FHR2N:StateManagerService","arn":"arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/AWSServiceRoleForAmazonSSM/StateManagerService","accountId":"123456789012","sessionContext":{"sessionIssuer":{"type":"Role","principalId":"AROAWZKRRJU43YP4FHR2N","arn":"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/aws-service-role/","accountId":"123456789012","userName":"AWSServiceRoleForAmazonSSM"}, "webIdFederationData":{},"attributes":{"creationDate":"2022-02-18T17:50:06Z","mfaAuthenticated":"false"}},"invokedBy":""},"eventTime":"2022-02-18T17:50:06Z","eventSource":"","eventName":"DescribeInstances","awsRegion":"eu-west-1","sourceIPAddress":"","userAgent":"","requestParameters":{"maxResults":50,"instancesSet": (output truncated) |
Query 2: Break out individual fields
- Isolate the individual fields in @message.
- Display selected fields in the CloudTrail event.
#Breakout Individual Fields fields @timestamp, awsRegion, eventCategory, eventSource, eventName, eventType, sourceIPAddress, userIdentity.type | sort @timestamp desc | limit 2
@timestamp | awsRegion | eventCategory | eventSource | eventName | eventType | sourceIPAddress | userIdentity.type |
2022-02-18 18:00:09.647 | ca-central-1 | Management | | AssumeRole | AwsApiCall | | AWSService |
2022-02-18 18:00:09.647 | ca-central-1 | Management | | AssumeRole | AwsApiCall | | AWSService |
Query 3: Filter by Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) run instances
- Retrieve specific fields in the CloudTrail event.
- Rename fields to use more meaningful labels.
- Filter the latest EC2 instances launched in this account based on the API call.
#EC2: Recently Launched Instances fields eventTime, eventName as API, responseElements.instancesSet.items.0.instanceId as InstanceID, userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.type as IssuerType, userIdentity.type as IdentityType, userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.userName as userName | filter eventName = 'RunInstances' | sort eventTime desc | limit 2
eventTime | API | InstanceID | IssuerType | IdentityType | userName |
2022-02-18T17:36:38Z | RunInstances | i-0325b4d6ae4e93c75 | Role | AssumedRole | AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling |
2022-02-18T13:45:18Z | RunInstances | i-04d17a8425b7cb59a | Role | AssumedRole | AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling |
Query 4: Filter by the most recent console login
- Retrieve specific fields in the CloudTrail event.
- Rename fields to use more meaningful labels.
- Filter the latest logins in the console based on the API call.
#Console Login: Most Recent API Calls fields eventTime, eventName, responseElements.ConsoleLogin as Response, userIdentity.arn as ARN, userIdentity.type as User_Type | filter eventName = 'ConsoleLogin' | sort eventTime desc | limit 10
eventTime | eventName | Response | ARN | User_Type |
2022-02-18T17:35:44Z | ConsoleLogin | Success | arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/test_user | IAMUser |
2022-02-17T13:53:58Z | ConsoleLogin | Success | arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/Admin/test_user | AssumedRole |
Query 5: Filter by the console login with failed authentication
- Retrieve specific fields in the CloudTrail event.
- Rename fields to use more meaningful labels.
- Filter the latest unsuccessful logins from the console.
#ConsoleLogin: Filter on Failed Logins fields eventTime, eventName, responseElements.ConsoleLogin as Response, userIdentity.userName as User, userIdentity.type as User_Type, sourceIPAddress, errorMessage | filter eventName = 'ConsoleLogin' and responseElements.ConsoleLogin = 'Failure' | sort eventTime desc | limit 10
eventTime | eventName | Response | User | User_Type | sourceIPAddress | errorMessage |
2022-02-18T20:10:55Z | ConsoleLogin | Failure | echo | IAMUser | | Failed authentication |
2022-02-18T20:10:43Z | ConsoleLogin | Failure | echo | IAMUser | | Failed authentication |
Query 6: Filter by Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) object upload
- Retrieve specific fields in the CloudTrail event.
- Rename fields to use more meaningful labels.
- Filter on the API call and the target S3 bucket.
#Filter PutObject API Calls on a specific S3 Bucket fields @timestamp, eventName as API, requestParameters.bucketName as BucketName, requestParameters.key as Key, userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.userName as UserName | filter eventName = 'PutObject' and BucketName = 'target-s3-bucket' | sort @timestamp desc | limit 2
@timestamp | API | BucketName | Key | UserName |
2022-02-12 17:16:07.415 | PutObject | test_bucket1 | w4r9Hg4V7g.jpg | |
2022-02-12 16:29:43.470 | PutObject | test_bucket2 | 6wyBy0hBoB.jpg |
Query 7: Summarize S3 activity
- Filter based on the Amazon S3 service.
- Aggregate all the matching events based on the count statistic.
- Divide the results based on the API, S3 bucket, and key.
- Use the stats command to rename the fields.
- Sort by descending order.
#S3 Activity: Bucket Key Details filter eventSource = '' | stats count(*) as Hits by eventName as API, requestParameters.bucketName as BucketName, requestParameters.key as Key | sort Hits desc | limit 5
API | BucketName | Key | Hits |
ListAccessPoints | 44 | ||
GetBucketAcl | team1-ctrail-multi-region | 27 | |
GetBucketAcl | team2-dub-cloudtrail | 27 | |
GetBucketAcl | aws-cloudtrail-logs-123456789012-ba940dd7 | 26 | |
GetObject | devsupport-prod | rdscr/individual/123456789012 | 18 |
Query 8: Summarize AWS KMS decrypt activity
- Filter based on the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) service and Decrypt API.
- Use the fields command to rename fields, and then aggregate on the user-friendly names.
- Aggregate all the matching events based on the count statistic.
- Divide the results based on the AWS KMS key and user.
- Sort by descending order.
#KMS Decrypt Activity: Key User Details fields resources.0.ARN as KMS_Key, userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.userName as User | filter eventSource='' and eventName='Decrypt' | stats count(*) as Hits by KMS_Key, User | sort Hits desc | limit 2
KMS_Key | User | Hits |
arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/03f2923d-e213-439d-92cf-cbb444bd85bd | AWSServiceRoleForConfig | 12 |
arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/03f2923d-e213-439d-92cf-cbb444bd85bd | FoxTrot-1UQJBODTWZYZ6 | 8 |
Query 9: Summarize API calls with errors
- Filter based on the presence of the errorCode field.
- Aggregate all the matching events based on the count statistic.
- Divide the results based on the AWS Service, API, and errorCode.
- Use the stats command to rename the fields.
- Sort by largest number of matches.
#Summarize API Calls with Errors filter ispresent(errorCode) | stats count(*) as Num_of_Events by eventSource as AWS_Service, eventName as API, errorCode | sort Num_of_Events desc | limit 5
AWS_Service | API | errorCode | Num_of_Events |
---|---|---|---| | GetBucketPublicAccessBlock | NoSuchPublicAccessBlockConfiguration | 79 | | GetLayerVersionPolicy20181031 | ResourceNotFoundException | 66 | | GetBucketPolicyStatus | NoSuchBucketPolicy | 60 | | HeadBucket | AccessDenied | 47 | | CreateLogStream | ResourceNotFoundException | 21 |
Query 10: Summarize S3 API calls with error codes
- Filter based on the Amazon S3 service and the presence of errorCode field.
- Aggregate all the matching events based on the count statistic.
- Divide the results based on errorCode and errorMessage.
- Sort by largest number of matches.
#S3: Summarize Error Codes filter eventSource = '' and ispresent(errorCode) | stats count(*) as Hits by errorCode, errorMessage | sort Hits desc | limit 5
errorCode | errorMessage | Hits |
AccessDenied | Access Denied | 86 |
NoSuchBucketPolicy | The bucket policy does not exist | 80 |
NoSuchPublicAccessBlockConfiguration | The public access block configuration was not found | 79 |
ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError | Object Lock configuration does not exist for this bucket | 3 |
ServerSideEncryptionConfigurationNotFoundError | The server side encryption configuration was not found | 3 |
Query 11: Summarize AccessDenied/UnauthorizedOperation API calls by AWS service, API, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user
- Filter on either AccessDenied or UnauthorizedOperation CloudTrail events.
- Aggregate all the matching events based on count statistic.
- Divide the results based on the errorCode, AWS Service, API, and IAM user or role.
- Use the stats command to rename fields.
- Sort in descending order.
#Summarize AccessDenied/UnauthorizedOperation API Calls by AWS Service, API, IAM User filter (errorCode='AccessDenied' or errorCode='UnauthorizedOperation') | stats count(*) as NumberOfEvents by errorCode, eventSource as AWS_Service, eventName as API, userIdentity.type as IdentityType, userIdentity.invokedBy as InvokedBy | sort NumberOfEvents desc | limit 10
errorCode | AWS_Service | API | IdentityType | InvokedBy | NumberOfEvents |
AccessDenied | | HeadBucket | AWSService | | 83 |
AccessDenied | | GetObject | AssumedRole | 9 |
Query 12: AWS KMS hourly call volume
- Filter based on the AWS KMS service and Decrypt API.
- Aggregate all the matching events into one-hour bins.
- Visualize the results on a line graph.
#KMS: Hourly Decrypt Call Volume filter eventSource='' and eventName='Decrypt' | stats count(*) as Hits by bin(1h)
bin(1h) | Hits |
2022-02-18 19:00:00.000 | 16 |
2022-02-18 18:00:00.000 | 25 |
2022-02-18 17:00:00.000 | 28 |
2022-02-18 16:00:00.000 | 14 |
2022-02-18 15:00:00.000 | 16 |
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