How do I download and share WebRTC logs to troubleshoot Amazon Connect audio and connectivity issues?

3 minute read

I want to download and share WebRTC (real-time communication) logs to troubleshooting Amazon Connect contact center audio quality and call connectivity issues.


To download and share WebRTC logs, follow these instructions for your browser type. 

Important: You must complete these steps at the time of the call for the audio quality or connectivity issues, not after.

Tip: It's a best practice to include the CCP logs and contact IDs in the WebRTC logs download when you contact AWS Support for troubleshooting. You can also use the Amazon Connect Endpoint Test Utility to check network connectivity and the CCP Log Parser to analyze and troubleshoot CCP logs.

Download Google Chrome WebRTC logs

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the chrome://webrtc-internals page in a new tab while the call is active.
  2. Expand the Create diagnostic audio recordings section, and then choose Enable diagnostic audio recordings.
  3. Select a folder to save the logs to.
  4. Select the Enable diagnostic packet and event recording check box, and then choose the same folder from the previous step.
  5. When the call ends, go back to the chrome://webrtc-internals page, and then expand Create a WebRTC-Internals dump.
  6. Choose Download the "webrtc-internals dump. A file named webrtc_internals_dump.txt is downloaded.
  7. Save the webrtc_internals_dump.txt file in the same folder from the previous steps.
  8. Uncheck the Enable diagnostic packet and event recording check box and the Enable diagnostic audio recordings check box on the chrome://webrtc-internals page.
  9. (Optional) Zip all of the files together from the download folder to share with AWS Support or use with a troubleshooting diagnostic tool.

Download Mozilla Firefox WebRTC logs

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the about:webrtc page in a new tab while the call is active.
  2. Choose Clear History to clear the statistics from other recent calls that are no longer active.
  3. Choose Save Page, and then select a folder to save the logs to.
  4. (Optional) Zip all the files together from the download folder to share with AWS Support or your favorite diagnostic tool.

Related information

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Common Contact Control Panel (CCP) Issues

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AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 months ago