I want to migrate a phone number or numbers from one Amazon Connect instance to another Amazon Connect instance. How can I do this?
Short description
The steps to migrate your Amazon Connect phone number depend on the AWS Region and AWS account ownership of the source and destination instances. See the related resolution sections for the following scenarios:
- Both the source and destination instances are in the same Region and AWS account
- The source and destination instances are in different Regions
- The source and destination instances are in different AWS accounts
Both Amazon Connect instances are in the same Region and AWS account
If the source and destination Connect instances are in the same Region and AWS account, use the ListPhoneNumbers and UpdatePhoneNumber APIs.
The examples below use AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands for these APIs.
Note: If you receive errors when running AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands, make sure that you’re using the most recent AWS CLI version.
1. Run the list-phone-numbers command. In the output, note the Id parameter. Replace a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111 with your instance ID. Replace +xxxxxxxxxxx with the phone number that you want to migrate.
$ aws connect list-phone-numbers --instance-id a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111 --query 'PhoneNumberSummaryList[?PhoneNumber==`+xxxxxxxxxxx`]'
"Id": "xyz80zxy-xyz1-80zx-zx80-11111EXAMPLE",
"Arn": "arn:aws:connect:us-west-2:123456789023:instance/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111/phone-number/xyz80zxy-xyz1-80zx-zx80-11111EXAMPLE",
"PhoneNumber": "+xxxxxxxxxxx",
"PhoneNumberType": "DID",
"PhoneNumberCountryCode": "US"
2. To migrate the phone number, run the update-phone-number command. For PhoneNumberId, enter the Id you noted in the previous step. For TargetInstanceARN, enter the ARN of the instance that you want to migrate the phone number to.
$ aws connect update-phone-number --phone-number-id [PhoneNumberId] --target-arn [TargetInstanceARN]
To migrate multiple phone numbers, repeat the steps for each phone number that you want to migrate.
The Amazon Connect instances are in different Regions or different AWS accounts
If source and destination Amazon Connect instances are located in different Regions, create an AWS Support case.
If the source and destination Amazon Connect instances belong to different AWS accounts, create two AWS Support cases, one from each account.
In your Support case or cases, include the following information:
- Source Amazon Connect instance ARN
- Destination Amazon Connect instance ARN
- The phone number or numbers that you want to migrate
- A requested date and time for migration
- Destination Contact flow ARN (If you want AWS to associate Amazon Contact flows with the migrated phone numbers in the destination Connect instance)
Additional considerations to keep in mind for phone number migration:
- Your requested date and time for migration isn't guaranteed.
- There is 15 to 20 minutes downtime for each phone number migration.
- Before opening a support case, confirm that phone numbers you want to migrate aren’t specified as an outbound caller ID.
- If you're associating the Contact flow to a migrated phone number in destination Connect instance, confirm the Contact flow exists and is published in the destination Amazon Connect instance
- Depending on phone number, migration might not be possible. You'll be contacted through your support case if this applies to your request.