How do I remove contacts from a callback queue in Amazon Connect?

2 minute read

I want to remove all contacts in my Amazon Connect contact center's callback queue.


To remove specific contacts from your callback queue, it's a best practice to use the StopContact API. To use StopContact, you must include the contact IDs of the contacts you're removing. If you don't know the contact IDs, then see Subscribe to Amazon Connect contact events.

If you can't use the StopContact API, then use one of the following options:


  • When you deactivate the callback queue, Amazon Connect doesn't remove the current contacts but can't add new contacts to the queue.
  • If you don't change the Set working queue parameter in the associated contact flow, then Amazon Connect doesn't create new callback contacts.
  • You must update APIs, such as GetMetricData, that use the previous queue's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) with the new callback queue's ARN.

For more information, see Set up routing.

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 8 months ago

For the solution using EventBridge, the following event filter can be used to identify only events of interest for callbacks:

    "source": ["aws.connect"],
    "detail-type": ["Amazon Connect Contact Event"],
    "detail": {"eventType": ["INITIATED","DISCONNECTED"],
               "initiationMethod": ["CALLBACK"]

When eventType is INITIATED, it was added to callback. When eventType is DISCONNECTED, it was removed.

To remove the callbacks, you would call the StopContact API to all contact IDs that did not have a DISCONNECTED event already.

profile pictureAWS
replied 10 months ago

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

profile pictureAWS
replied 10 months ago