When I try to enroll a customer into Voice ID in Amazon Connect, I get an error message.
Based on the error message that you receive, complete the following steps to troubleshoot Voice ID.
Note: If you receive errors when you run AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands, then see Troubleshooting errors for the AWS CLI. Also, make sure that you're using the most recent AWS CLI version.
"We couldn't enroll the user in Voice ID"
When you enroll a customer into Voice ID, the customer must speak for 30 seconds with no silence to create a voiceprint. If the audio length doesn't meet the duration or the call ends, then the customer isn't enrolled and you receive the preceding error message.
Voice ID continues the enrollment process the next time the customer calls and speaks for a full 30 seconds without silence.
"Voice ID error Enrollment is currently unavailable. Ask the caller to please try enrolling in a future call"
A customer might accidentally opt out of the enrollment process. Or, the enrollment might be stuck in Pending status. When you receive the preceding error message, the customer isn't enrolled and Amazon Connect rejects future enrollment requests.
To resolve this issue, complete the following steps:
To get the CustomerSpeakerId, run the list-speakers command and filter the results for speakers in the ENROLLED status:
aws voice-id list-speakers --domain-id your-domain-id --status ENROLLED
To get more detailed information about the customer, run the list-speakers command:
aws voice-id list-speakers --domain-id your-domain-ID --query "SpeakerSummaries[?CustomerSpeakerId=='customer-speaker-ID']"
Note: Replace your-domain-ID wth your domain's ID and customer-speaker-ID with your customer's speaker ID. For information about what data Amazon Connect stores, see What data is stored?
Run the delete-speaker command or DeleteSpeaker API to delete the customer from the Voice ID domain.
Note: To delete the customer from the Voice ID domain, you must have Admin permissions. If you don't have Admin permissions, then include the DeleteSpeaker action in your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy that's attached to your IAM role.
Enroll the customer into Voice ID.
"Failed To Initialize VoiceId"
When you opt out of authentication and fraudster detection, you get the following output:
"Results": "Failed To Initialize VoiceId.",
"ContactId": "1234abcd-****-5b6a-a8f8-fb5f12345a67",
"ContactFlowId": "arn:aws:connect:us-east-1:****:instance/1b******/contact-flow/^^^^^^^^^^^^"",
"ContactFlowName": "VoiceID- Connect-Sample-flow",
"ContactFlowModuleType": "SetVoiceId",
"Timestamp": "2024-11-13T17:23:44.302Z",
"Parameters": {},
For Voice ID to work, you must set up the real-time detection of fraudsters. For more information, see Known fraudster detection.
"Validation Exception. Call Is Not Connected"
When you set the Play prompt block after the Set Voice ID block, then you get the following output:
"Results": "Validation Exception. Call Is Not Connected",
"ContactId": "1234abcd-****-5b6a-a8f8-fb5f12345a67",
"ContactFlowId": "arn:aws:connect:us-east-1:****:instance/1b******/contact-flow/^^^^^^^^^^^^"",
"ContactFlowName": "VoiceID- Connect-Sample-flow",
"ContactFlowModuleType": "SetVoiceId",
"Timestamp": "2024-11-13T17:23:44.302Z",
"Parameters": {},
To resolve this issue, you must correctly configure Voice ID in your contact flow.