How do I use the AWS Cost and Usage Report?

1 minute read

How do I use the AWS Cost and Usage Report?


The AWS Cost and Usage Reports provides a detailed dataset about your AWS billing. The report is delivered to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket of your choice.

First, create a Cost and Usage Report. Later, you can view the Cost and Usage report in one of two ways:

The AWS Cost and Usage Report contains dozens of data points for each billing item on your AWS bill.

Note: The pricing, product, reservation, and resourceTags columns are generated only if you have applicable usage during the reporting period. If you ingest the report into another tool, be sure that your ingestion logic can tolerate missing columns.

To migrate from a Detailed Billing Report (DBR) to a Cost and Usage Reports, see Migrating from Detailed Billing Reports to Cost and Usage Reports.

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 years ago