How do I set up an Active/Active or Active/Passive AWS Direct Connect connection to AWS from a private or transit virtual interface?
Scenarios with connections in the same Region
Scenario 1:
- Both connections are in the same Region and same colocation.
- The same prefixes are advertised with the same Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) attributes (such as AS Path and MED) on both the connections from the on-premises location.
Egress traffic from AWS to the on-premises location is load balanced based on flow (Active/Active) across both Direct Connect connections.
Scenario 2:
- Both connections are in the same Region but in different colocations facilities.
- The same prefixes are advertised with the same BGP attributes (such as AS Path and MED) on both the connections from the on-premises location.
Egress traffic from AWS to the on-premises location is load balanced based on flow (Active/Active) across both Direct Connect connections.
Scenarios with connections in different Regions
Scenario 1:
- Connection A (virtual interface VIF-A) is in Region 1.
- Connection B (virtual interface VIF-B) is in Region 2.
- Both virtual interfaces connect to a virtual private cloud (VPC) in Region 1 using a Direct Connect gateway.
- Both virtual interfaces advertise the same prefixes with the same BGP attributes (such as AS Path and MED) on both the connections from the on-premises location.
Egress traffic from the VPC to the on-premises location prefers connection A because it's in the same Region as the VPC.
Scenario 2:
- Connections are two Regions and two colocations facilities.
- Connection A (virtual interface VIF-A) is in Region 1.
- Connection B (virtual interface VIF-B) is in Region 2.
- Both virtual interfaces connect to a VPC in Region 3 using a Direct Connect gateway.
- Both virtual interfaces advertise the same prefixes with the same BGP attributes (such as AS Path and MED) from the on-premises location.
Egress traffic from AWS to the on-premises location is load balanced based on flow (Active/Active) across both Direct Connect connections.
Methods for more predictable routing
For more predictable routing than what's possible in the scenarios previously described, use the following methods.
For Active/Passive configuration of Direct Connect connections:
- Apply the local preference BGP community tag. Set a higher preference to the advertised prefixes for the primary or active connection. Then, set a medium or lower preference for the passive connection.
- AS Path prepend using a shorter AS path on the active connection and a longer AS path on the passive connection.
Note: AS Path prepending can't be used to configure Active/Passive connections in environments similar to scenario 1 of "Scenarios with connections in different Regions".
- Advertise the most specific route using BGP on the active connection.
For Active/Active configuration of Direct Connect connections, advertise the prefixes on both Direct Connect connections with the same local preference BGP community tag.