Why are records missing in my DynamoDB streams?

1 minute read

I want to know why records are missing in my Amazon DynamoDB streams.


After you make a request, your records might be missing for the following reasons:

  • If you perform a PutItem or UpdateItem operation that doesn't change any data in an item, then DynamoDB Streams doesn't write a stream record.
  • You're using event filtering to control the records that AWS Lambda sends from your stream to your function. 
  • Your requests are being throttled and might not be processed yet. To determine whether requests to DynamoDB are throttling, check the ThrottledRequests metric. Or, you can check the Throttles metric in Lambda.
  • Your IteratorAge metric is high, so DynamoDB Streams might have removed records that Lambda didn't invoke. DynamoDB Streams stores records for 24 hours, and then removes the records. 

For more information, see Using AWS Lambda with Amazon DynamoDB.

Related information

View metrics for Lambda functions

Understanding AWS Lambda scaling and throughput

Understanding Lambda function scaling

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 months ago