How is an Amazon EBS io2 Block Express volume different from io1 and io2 volumes?

2 minute read

I don't know how Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) io2 Block Express volumes differ from io1 and io2 volumes.


io1, io2, and io2 Block Express are all Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes. However, io2 Block Express volumes can deliver higher throughput and IOPS and support larger storage capacity. For more information on each volume type, see the chart under Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1 and io2) volumes.

The following Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance types support io2 Block Express volumes:

  • c7g
  • c6in
  • m6in
  • m6idn
  • m7g
  • r5b
  • r6in
  • r6idn
  • r7g
  • trn1
  • x2idn
  • x2iedn

When you attach an io2 volume to these Amazon EC2 instance types, the volume automatically becomes an io2 Block Express volume.

The price for Amazon EBS volume types depends on storage and IOPS. The price for storage between the volume types is the same. However, the price for IOPS varies depending on the number of IOPS that you provision. For more information, see Amazon EBS pricing, and choose the AWS Region that you're in from the Region dropdown list.

AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago

On Nov 21, 2023, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) announced that io2 Block Express volumes are available on all EC2 instances built on the Nitro system.

io2 also has much higher durability than io1. There is a comparison here:

replied 4 months ago

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

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replied 4 months ago