How am I billed for my Amazon EBS snapshots?

2 minute read

I want to understand my billing for Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) snapshots.


Amazon EBS calculates charges for snapshots by the gigabyte-month. You incur charges based on the size of your snapshot and the length of time that you keep the snapshot.

Pricing varies depending on the storage tier. For the Standard tier, you incur charges only for changed blocks that you store. For the Archive tier, you incur charges for all snapshot blocks that you store. You also incur charges to retrieve snapshots in the Archive tier.

Here are some example scenarios for each storage tier:

  • Standard tier: You have a volume that stores 100 GB of data. You incur charges for the full 100 GB of data for the first snapshot (snap A). At the time of the next snapshot (snap B), you have 105 GB of data. Amazon EBS then bills you for only the additional 5 GB of storage for incremental snap B.
  • Archive tier: You archive snap B. The snapshot then moves to the Archive tier, and Amazon EBS bills you for the full 105 GB snapshot block.

For detailed pricing information, see Amazon EBS pricing.

To view the charges for your EBS snapshots, follow these steps:

  1. Open the AWS Billing Dashboard.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Bills.
  3. In the Details section, expand Elastic Compute Cloud.

You can also use cost allocation tags to track and manage your snapshot costs.

Note: You don't incur charges for snapshots that another AWS account owns and shares with your account. You receive charges only when you copy the shared snapshot to your account. You also receive charges for EBS volumes that you create from the shared snapshot.

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AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago

What happens if you archive snapshot A, but keep B on standard. how does this affect the billing.

replied 2 years ago

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

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replied 2 years ago