How do I change Intel-powered EC2 instances to the equivalent AMD-powered instance types?

4 minute read

I want to resize my workload and update Intel-powered Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances to the equivalent AMD-powered instance types.

Short description

Use the AWSPremiumSupport-ChangeInstanceTypeIntelToAMD runbook to resize your x86 Nitro-powered EC2 M, C, R, and T family instances. You can resize to comparable EC2 instances with AMD EPYC processors. Use the runbook's optional parameter, TargetInstanceType, to choose the new instance type.

Important: Access to the AWSPremiumSupport-ChangeInstanceTypeIntelToAMD runbook requires an Enterprise or Business Support subscription. For more information, see Compare AWS Support plans.


The AWSPremiumSupport-ChangeInstanceTypeIntelToAMD runbook validates the following:

  • The EC2 instance status, properties, lifecycle, tenancy, status checks, and shutdown behavior.
  • Whether the EC2 instance is part of an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group.
  • The EC2 instance type options.
  • The AWS Marketplace product codes.
  • Whether the EC2 instance is part of an AWS CloudFormation stack.
  • The root volume type.
  • The compatible AMD instance types and the availability of AMD instances in same Availability Zone.
  • The eventual consistency of the instance.

If the EC2 instance doesn't pass status checks after you change the instance type, then the runbook automatically rolls back to the previous instance type.

After the runbook completes, you receive an output of the changes that occurred to the EC2 instance type.


Before you run the runbook, make sure that your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role has the correct permissions. For more information, see the Required IAM permissions section of AWSPremiumSupport-ChangeInstanceTypeIntelToAMD.

Run the automation runbook

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the AWSPremiumSupport-ChangeInstanceTypeIntelToAMD.
  2. Choose Execute automation.
  3. For Input parameters, enter the following:
    InstanceId: The ID of the managed instance.
    Acknowledge: Enter yes if you acknowledge that this runbook stops and starts the running EC2 instance. When the instance is stopped, any data that's stored in the RAM or in instance store volumes is lost. The automatic public IPv4 address is also released. For more information, see Stop and start Amazon EC2 instances.
    AutomationAssumeRole (optional): The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows AWS Systems Manager Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If you don't specify a role, then Systems Manager Automation uses the permissions of the user that starts the runbook.
    AllowInstanceStoreInstances (optional): If you set this parameter to yes, then the runbook runs on instances with instance store (ephemeral) volumes. Warning: When the runbook stops the instance, data in instance store volumes is lost. This parameter helps avoid accidental data loss.
    AllowCrossGeneration (optional): If you set this parameter to yes, then the runbook searches for newest generation equivalent AMD-powered EC2 instance types within the same family, for example c5.large to c6a.large. The default option no returns the equivalent AMD type within the same instance family and generation, for example c5.large to c5a.large.
    TargetInstanceType (optional): The target AMD-powered EC2 instance type. The default automatic option finds the equivalent instance type based on the number of virtual CPUs and memory. For example, m6i.large is changed to m6a.large. You can also specify a supported AMD instance type. Note: Only M, C, R, and T AMD-powered instance families are supported.
    AllowCloudFormationInstances (optional): If you set this parameter to yes, then the runbook changes instances that are part of a CloudFormation stack. Important: Don't change stack resources outside of CloudFormation. Changes to your stack resources outside of CloudFormation causes drift and might put your stack in an unrecoverable state.
    SleepWait (optional): The time the runbook waits after it completes. This parameter accepts time values in ISO 8601 date and time format. For more information about the supported date and time format, see aws:sleep-Delay an automation.
    DryRun (Optional): If you set this parameter to yes, then the runbook doesn't change the instance type. Instead, the runbook returns only the equivalent AMD-powered EC2 instance type and validates requirements.
  4. Choose Execute.
  5. Review the Outputs section for the detailed results of the execution:
    GetInstanceProperties.CurrentInstanceType: The current instance type.
    GetcomparableAMDTypeFilter.comparableAMDType: The comparable instance type (AMD).
    GetcomparableAMDTypeFilter.DryRun: The DryRun input parameter value.

Related information

Run an automation

Setting up Automation

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 years ago