How can I make my secondary network interface work in my Ubuntu EC2 instance?

6 minute read

I want to make my secondary network interface work in my Ubuntu Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance.

Short description

Warning: The use of a second elastic network interface is intended for advanced users. Do this only if you can't use a single network interface and you must attach two network interfaces from the same subnet to one instance. To avoid asymmetric routing issues, use a single elastic network interface, or place duplicate elastic network interfaces into non-overlapping subnets.

Adding a secondary network interface to a non-Amazon Linux EC2 instance causes traffic flow issues. These issues occur because the primary and secondary network interfaces are in the same subnet, and there's one routing table with one gateway. Traffic that comes into the secondary network interface leaves the instance using the primary network interface. But this isn't allowed, because the secondary IP address doesn't belong to the MAC address of the primary network interface.

To make the secondary interface work after creating it, do the following:

1.    Configure the routing table.

2.    Set up rules in the custom routing table policy database so that traffic for the secondary interface uses the new routing table.

Before you start, note that Amazon EC2 instances are in the AWS Cloud. This means that not all use-cases benefit from having multiple interfaces. The following examples demonstrate situations when you might not need to use a secondary network interface:

  • Increasing network throughput: Because limits are set based on the instance type and size, network throughput doesn't increase. For more information, see Amazon EC2 instance types.
  • Increasing Elastic IP addresses: If you have few Elastic IP addresses per interface, you might not need to add more interfaces to get more Elastic IP addresses. Most applications work well with the Domain Name System. For example, Apache can use name-based virtual hosts (on the Apache website).

Note: The steps for adding a secondary network interface are different for each of the following Ubuntu versions:

  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ubuntu 20.04


Note: Although the steps in the following resolution are tested on the listed Linux versions, you might need slight modifications for your configuration's custom settings.

Configuring Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04

You can create the secondary interface configuration file, configure the routing table, and set routing policy rules for Ubuntu using a single file.

All procedures must be run with root user privileges. Either become the root user with sudo -i or run all commands with sudo.

1.     To get the name of the primary network interface, run the following command:

ip a | grep ^[[:digit:]]

You receive an output that's similar to the following message:

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9001 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000

Important: In this example, the primary interfaces are named eth0, eth1, and so on. However, for instances that support enhanced networking, such as the m4 and m5 family type, you might see a naming inconsistency. For example, the primary might be named ens3 if the secondary is named eth0. This naming inconsistency happens when you add the secondary interface while the instance is running.

To avoid a naming inconsistency, add the interface at launch time or reboot the instance. Or, if the interface is running, you can change the name using the following command:

ip link set eth0 name ens4 && ip link set ens4 up

2.    Create a configuration file for the secondary interface. In the following example, change eth1 to match your secondary interface name as found in step 1:

vi /etc/network/interfaces.d/51-eth1.cfg

The following command is an example for a single IP address of and with a gateway of on the secondary interface. Replace the example IP address and gateway with your own. Also note that your gateway must be the first valid IP address in your subnet:

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static 

# Gateway configuration
up ip route add default via dev eth1 table 1000

# Routes and rules
up ip route add dev eth1 table 1000
up ip rule add from lookup 1000

The following command is an example for multiple IP addresses. In this example, the IP addresses are and, and the gateway is Replace the example IP addresses and gateway with your own:

auto eth1

# Enter one or more IP settings
iface eth1 inet static

iface eth1 inet static

# Default gateway for eth1
up ip route add default via dev eth1 table 1000

# A route for every IP
up ip route add dev eth1 table 1000
up ip route add dev eth1 table 1000

# A policy rule for every IP
up ip rule add from lookup 1000
up ip rule add from lookup 1000

3.    Create the restrict-default-gw file to prevent the default gateway from being overwritten on the main table:

vi /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/restrict-default-gw

4.    Add the following lines to the restrict-default-gw file. Be sure to change eth0 to your primary interface name as found in step 1:

case ${interface} in
    unset new_routers

5.    Restart the network.

See the following command for Ubuntu 14.04:

(ifdown eth1 && ifup eth1)

See the following command for Ubuntu 16.04:

systemctl restart networking

Configuring Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04

Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 use the Netplan networking configuration. Note that Netplan uses YAML format. This means that indentation is crucial. The following Netplan example uses two-space indentation.

Note: Run all commands with root user privileges. Either become the root user with sudo -i or run all commands with sudo.

1.    Create a configuration file for the secondary interface:

vi /etc/netplan/51-eth1.yaml

2.    Add the following lines to the 51-eth1.yaml file. Make sure you edit the following example to match your use case:

  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
      dhcp4: no
       - to:
         via: # Default gateway
         table: 1000
       - to:
         scope: link
         table: 1000
       - to:
         scope: link
         table: 1000
        - from:
          table: 1000
        - from:
          table: 1000

This example YAML file configures two IP addresses on the secondary interface (eth1).

Note: To find the CIDR range to use in the YAML file, complete the following steps:

1.    Open the Amazon EC2 console, select Instances, and then select the instance.

2.    On the Networking tab, scroll to Network interfaces, and note the Subnet ID of your secondary network interface.

3.    Open the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) console, select Subnets, and then note the IPv4 CIDR range listed for the subnet ID.

4.    Apply the network configuration:

netplan --debug apply

Related information

Configure route tables

AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago

what is the default gateway for ipv6 , used ::1 but its not working [ubuntu 22.04], it worked for ipv4

I used this netplan:

network: version: 2 renderer: networkd ethernets: ens4: addresses: - 2600:1f13:65f:fabf:a051:32d:525e:8cb0/128 dhcp4: no routes: - to: ::/0 via: 2600:1f13:65f:fabf::1 table: 1000 - to: 2600:1f13:65f:fabf:a051:32d:525e:8cb0 via: ::/0 scope: link table: 1000 routing-policy: - from: 2600:1f13:65f:fabf:a051:32d:525e:8cb0 table: 1000

I have 2 subnets (different) on each ec2 instance. Ipv4 connection is working well but ipv6 does not. I am unable to ping the gateway 2600:1f13:65f:fabf::1 too.

Ping is working among the subnets without netplan but when trying to connect to a server running on 80 it does not so I tried to create a netplan above or add a static route using ::1. I have my ports open in the security group and the connection to server works with in same subnet.

replied a year ago

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

profile pictureAWS
replied a year ago

Hi, I try to configure two ENIs on an Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS instance, the primary ENI and a second one with an Elastic IP.

Ip a displays the two ip addresses correctly so I do not understand why I should modify the netplan file even if the IPs are not defined in it.

Could you explain why it is needed to modify the netplan file ?

My point is that if i try to reach a tomcat server using the Elastic IP, the request does not reach tomcat. I check the security group which allows all traffic, the route table forward all requests for the outside world to the internet gateway and the NACL allows all traffic (in and out). The tomcat is not configured with a bind address so it listens on all server IPs.

So I do not understand why the tomcat server is not reachable.

Note : if i attach the elastic ip to the primary ENI, I can reach the tomcat server

replied 8 months ago

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

profile pictureAWS
replied 7 months ago

Thanks for your answer "moderator", how can i know if the knowledge center will be updated and if it is updated, how can i know when it is updated ?



replied 7 months ago

I describe my configuration here

replied 7 months ago

The answer didn't help at all with IPv6 setup

replied 12 hours ago

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

profile pictureAWS
replied 11 hours ago