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How do I set up the AWS Load Balancer Controller on an Amazon EKS cluster for Fargate and then deploy the 2048 game?

6 minute read

I want to set up the AWS Load Balancer Controller on an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster for AWS Fargate. Then, I want to deploy the 2048 game.

Short description

You can set up AWS Load Balancer Controller without any existing Application Load Balancer (ALB) Ingress Controller deployments.

Before you set up the AWS Load Balancer Controller on a new Fargate cluster, complete the following actions:

  • Uninstall the AWS ALB Ingress Controller for Kubernetes. The AWS Load Balancer Controller replaces the functionality of the AWS ALB Ingress Controller.
  • Use eksctl version 0.109.0 or greater. For more information, see Installation on the eksctl website.
  • Install Helm on the workstation.
  • Replace placeholder values in code snippets with your own values.


Create an Amazon EKS cluster, service account policy, and role-based access control (RBAC) policies

To create a cluster and policies, do the following:

  1. To use eksctl to create an Amazon EKS cluster, run the following command:

    eksctl create cluster --name YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME --version 1.28 --fargate

    Note: You don't need to create a Fargate pod execution role for clusters that use only Fargate pods (--fargate).

  2. Allow the cluster to use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for service accounts with the following command:

    eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME --approve

    Note: The FargateExecutionRole is the role that's used for the kubelet and kube-proxy to run your Fargate pod on. However, it's not the role used for the Fargate pod (that is, the aws-load-balancer-controller). For Fargate pods, you must use the IAM role for the service account. For more information, see IAM roles for service accounts.

  3. To download an IAM policy that allows the AWS Load Balancer Controller to make calls to AWS APIs on your behalf, run the following command:

    curl -o iam_policy.json
  4. Create an IAM policy with the policy that you downloaded. Use the following command:

    aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \
    --policy-document file://iam_policy.json
  5. Create a service account named aws-load-balancer-controller in the kube-system namespace for the AWS Load Balancer Controller. Use the following command:

    eksctl create iamserviceaccount \    
    --cluster=YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME \  
    --namespace=kube-system \  
    --name=aws-load-balancer-controller \  
    --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \  
    --override-existing-serviceaccounts \  
  6. Run one of the following commands to verify that the new service role is created:

    eksctl get iamserviceaccount --cluster YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME --name aws-load-balancer-controller --namespace kube-system


    kubectl get serviceaccount aws-load-balancer-controller --namespace kube-system

Install the AWS Load Balancer Controller with Helm

To install the AWS Load Balancer Controller, do the following:

  1. To add the Amazon EKS chart to Helm, run the following command:

    helm repo add eks
  2. Update the repo to pull the latest chart:

      helm repo update eks 
  3. Run following command to install the Helm chart . Note: Replace clusterName, region and vpcId with your values:

    helm install aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller \      
    --set clusterName=YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME \  
    --set serviceAccount.create=false \  
    --set region=YOUR_REGION_CODE \  
    --set vpcId=<VPC_ID> \  
    --set \  
    -n kube-system
  4. Verify that the controller is installed successfully:

    $ kubectl get deployment -n kube-system aws-load-balancer-controller     

    Sample output:

    NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    aws-load-balancer-controller   2/2     2            2           84s

Test the AWS Load Balancer Controller

Use the AWS Load Balancer Controller to create either an Application Load Balancer for Ingress or a Network Load Balancer. You use one of these to create a k8s service. To deploy a example app called 2048 with Application Load Balancer Ingress, do the following:

  1. Create a Fargate profile that's required for the game deployment. Use the following command:

    eksctl create fargateprofile --cluster your-cluster --region your-region-code --name your-alb-sample-app --namespace game-2048
  2. To deploy the example game and verify that the AWS Load Balancer Controller creates an ALB Ingress resource, run the following command:

    kubectl apply -f
  3. After a few minutes, verify that the Ingress resource was created with the following command:

    kubectl get ingress/ingress-2048 -n game-2048

    You receive the following output:

    ingress-2048   <none>   *

    Note: If your Ingress isn't created after several minutes, run the following command to view the AWS Load Balancer Controller logs:

    kubectl logs -n kube-system deployment.apps/aws-load-balancer-controller

    The logs can contain error messages that help you diagnose issues with your deployment.

  4. To view the sample application, open a browser. Then, and navigate to the ADDRESS URL from the previous command output.
    Note: If you don't see the sample application, then wait a few minutes and refresh your browser.

Deploy an example application

To deploy an example application with the Network Load Balancer IP address mode service, do the following:

  1. To create a Fargate profile, run the following command:

    eksctl create fargateprofile --cluster your-cluster --region your-region-code --name your-alb-sample-app --namespace game-2048
  2. To get the manifest to deploy the 2048 game, run the following command:

    curl -o 2048-game.yaml
  3. In the manifest from step 2, delete this Ingress section:

    apiVersion: Ingress
      namespace: game-2048
      name: ingress-2048
      annotations: internet-facing ip
    spec:ingressClassName: alb
        - http:
              - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: service-2048           
                      number: 80
  4. Modify the Service object:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      namespace: game-2048
      name: service-2048
      annotations: "ip" external internet-facing
        - port: 80
          targetPort: 80
          protocol: TCP
      type: LoadBalancer
      selector: app-2048
  5. To create the service and deployment manifest, run the following command:

    kubectl apply -f 2048-game.yaml
  6. To check for service creation and the DNS name of the Network Load Balancer, run the following command:

    kubectl get svc -n game-2048

    You received the following output:

    NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                                PORT(S)        AGE
    service-2048   LoadBalancer   80:30159/TCP   23m
  7. Wait a few minutes until the load balancer is active. Then, check that you can reach the deployment. Open the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the NLB that's referenced in the EXTERNAL-IP section in a web browser.

Troubleshoot the AWS Load Balancer Controller

If you have issues with the controller set up, then run the following commands:

$ kubectl logs -n kube-system deployment.apps/aws-load-balancer-controller
$ kubectl get endpoints -n game-2048
$ kubectl get ingress/ingress-2048 -n game-2048

The output from the logs command returns error messages (for example, with tags or subnets). These error messages can help you troubleshoot common errors from the Kubernetes GitHub website. The get endpoints command shows whether backed deployment pods are correctly registered. The get ingress commands shows whether Ingress resources are deployed. For more information, see AWS Load Balancer Controller on the Kubernetes website.

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 10 months ago