How do I troubleshoot an ElastiCache for Redis snapshot or backup that’s stuck or failed when I copy it to an S3 bucket?

2 minute read

I want to troubleshoot an Amazon ElastiCache for Redis snapshot that’s stuck or failed when I tried to copy it to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

Short description

An ElastiCache snapshot might be stuck or fail when you copy it to an Amazon S3 bucket for the following reasons:

  • The destination Amazon S3 bucket isn't in the same AWS Region as the snapshot.
  • Amazon S3 doesn't have the necessary permission to access ElastiCache.
  • The user has an incorrect AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy set to access an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • The cluster uses data tiering.


  • Make sure that you follow the steps for exporting a backup.
  • Make sure that you grant ElastiCache access to your Amazon S3 bucket. Review error messages to determine if Amazon S3 permission issues are the cause of the stuck or failed copy to the Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Make sure that you don't use data tiering in your cluster. By default, data tiering is turned on when you use a Redis engine version 6.2 or later with the rdg cache node family.

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AWS OFFICIALUpdated 10 months ago