Why did I receive a ThrottlingExceptions error with API requests that are made to AWS KMS?
2 minute read
I received the following ThrottlingException error with API requests that were made to AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS): “You have exceeded the rate at which you may call KMS. Reduce the frequency of your calls. (Service: AWSKMS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ThrottlingException; Request ID: EXAMPLEID”
Short description
The ThrottlingException error code indicates that the rate of API requests to AWS KMS exceeds the request quotas for your AWS account. As a result, the AWS KMS service throttles the API request.
Use the following best practices to troubleshoot ThrottlingException errors:
Review AWS KMS usage metrics from the service quotas to identify the maximum and average rate of API requests per second. AWS KMS publishes usage metrics to Amazon CloudWatch for different AWS KMS API request quotas. For example, Encrypt and Decrypt operations use shared quotas for cryptographic operations.