How do I stop, start, restart, or check the status of a Bitnami service in Lightsail?

1 minute read

I want to stop, start, restart, or check the status of a Bitnami service in Amazon Lightsail.


Use the Bitnami control script to stop, start, restart, or check the status of services in Lightsail. For more information, see Start or stop services on the Bitnami website.

Check the status of services

Check the status of all the services:

sudo /opt/Bitnami/ status

Check the status of one service:
Note: Replace example-service with the service that you want to check.

sudo /opt/Bitnami/ status example-service

Stop, start, or restart services

Stop all services:

sudo /opt/Bitnami/ stop

Start all services:

sudo /opt/Bitnami/ start

Restart all services:

sudo /opt/Bitnami/ restart

To stop, start, or restart one service in Lightsail, use the following commands:
Note: Replace example-service with the service that you want to stop, start, or restart.

Stop one service:

sudo /opt/Bitnami/ stop example-service

Start one service:

sudo /opt/Bitnami/ start example-service

Restart one service:

sudo /opt/Bitnami/ restart example-service
AWS OFFICIALUpdated a month ago