How do I create a Lightsail load balancer with an SSL/TLS certificate to use with my Lightsail instances?

1 minute read

I want to create an Amazon Lightsail load balancer with an SSL/TLS certificate to use with my Lightsail instances.

Short description

When you attach an SSL/TLS certificate to your Lightsail load balancer, you encrypt traffic between your browser and web server for an extra layer of security. For more information, see Amazon Lightsail load balancers.


To create a Lightsail load balancer with an SSL/TLS certificate, complete the following steps: 

  1. Create a Lightsail load balancer, and then attach instances to it.
  2. Create an SSL/TLS certificate for the Lightsail load balancer.
  3. Verify your domain ownership.
  4. Attach the validated SSL/TLS certificate to the Lightsail load balancer.
  5. Open your browser to verify that there's a green padlock symbol next to the domain URL. The green padlock confirms that you have HTTPS access to your domain. 

Related information

How do I install a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate in a Bitnami stack that's hosted on Lightsail?

SSL/TLS certificates in Lightsail

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 8 months ago