Can I pay my AWS bill in a currency other than US dollars (USD)?

2 minute read

I want to pay my AWS bill in a currency other than US dollars (USD).


To pay your bill in a non-USD currency, follow the instructions at Changing the currency to pay your bill. For currencies currently supported by AWS, see What currencies does AWS currently support?

Note: By default, all AWS customers are billed in US dollars.

Your seller of record information might impact your available local currencies.

  • Amazon Web Services India Private Limited (AWS India) customers are billed in Indian rupees by default, see Managing an account in India.
  • For payment currencies supported by AWS Europe, see What payment currencies and payment methods are supported by AWS Europe?
  • The following customers are billable only in their local currency:
    Amazon AWS Servicos Brasil Ltda. (AWS SBL)
    Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (AWSK)
    Amazon Web Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd. (AWS South Africa)
    Amazon Web Services Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (AWS Malaysia)

When using a non-USD currency, consider the following:

  • All preferred currency amounts shown in the AWS Billing and Cost Management console are estimated in USD.
  • Your finalized monthly bill is generated in the local currency that you choose.
  • Rates can change daily. The exchange rate applied to your invoice is determined when your invoice is created.
    Note: Currency conversion is provided by Amazon Services LLC.
  • You can change your local currency at any time, but after an invoice is finalized, the invoice must be paid in that currency.
  • You can pay invoices in non-USD currencies by using Visa or MasterCard. All other cards are charged only in USD.
    Note: If you choose a payment currency that the card issuer doesn't support, then you might be charged foreign currency conversion charges or fees.

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Managing an AWS account

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 years ago