Why does my OpenSearch Service cluster have more nodes than I originally provisioned?

2 minute read

A cluster in my Amazon OpenSearch Service console has twice the number of nodes from what I originally provisioned.


OpenSearch Service uses blue/green deployments to make most cluster configuration changes. During this process, OpenSearch Service provisions a new cluster with the specified number of nodes and copies the entire dataset over from the existing cluster. When the data migration is complete, OpenSearch Service deletes the existing cluster, and the number of nodes returns to normal.

The following changes don't launch a blue/green deployment:

  • When you modify the access policy
  • When you modify the custom endpoint
  • When you change the Transport Layer Security (TLS) policy
  • When you change the automated snapshot hour
  • When you turn on or turn off Require HTTPS
  • When you turn on Auto-Tune or turn it off and don't roll back its changes
  • For a domain with dedicated master nodes: when you change the data node or UltraWarm node count
  • For a domain with dedicated master nodes: when you change the dedicated primary instance type or count, except for Multi-AZ domains with two dedicated master nodes
  • When you turn on or off the publication of error logs or slow logs to Amazon CloudWatch
  • When you turn off the publication of audit logs to CloudWatch
  • When you increase the volume size up to 3 TiB per data node and the volume type, IOPS, or throughput changes
  • When you add or remove tags

For more information about configuration changes and blue/green deployment, see Making configuration changes in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Related information

Creating and managing Amazon OpenSearch Service domains

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 7 months ago