Why am I getting a 554 or 400 "Message rejected" error with the message "Email address is not verified" from Amazon SES?

3 minute read

I'm trying to send emails using Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES). However, I'm getting a 554 or 400 "Message rejected" error with the message "Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region." Why is this happening? How can I resolve this error?

Short description

When you send emails using Amazon SES, you must verify the identities (domains or email addresses) that you send emails from. If you send emails using an unverified identity, then you can get "Message rejected" errors. These errors can apply to the "From", "Source", "Sender", or "Return-Path" addresses.

If you're using the Amazon SES SMTP interface, then the error is similar to "554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region region: identity0, identity1, identity2."

If you're using the Amazon SES API (HTTPS) interface, then the error is "400 Message rejected." If you get the 400 error, check the error stack for a description of what caused the error. If you see the error message "Email address is not verified," then that means you're sending email from an identity that failed the verification check in that AWS Region.


To resolve 554 or 400 "Message rejected" errors with the message "Email address is not verified," check the following:

  • Open the Amazon SES console. Confirm that the identity that you're sending emails from has a verification status of verified, not pending or failure. If your identity is stuck in the pending state, see What can I do if my domain is stuck in the "pending verification" status or in the "failed" verification status in Amazon SES?
  • If your email address is verified, check that the email address on the message that resulted in the "Message rejected" error is correct. Email addresses are case-sensitive. The email address that you used to send the message must match your verified email address.
  • Check whether your account is in the Amazon SES sandbox for the AWS Region that you're using to send emails. If your account is in the Amazon SES sandbox, then you must verify the recipient email address in addition to verifying your sender identity. Or, you can request to move your account out of the Amazon SES sandbox.
    Note: If you're using sending authorization policies to delegate sending on behalf of your Amazon SES identity to a non-verified email address, then the delegate sender account must be out of the Amazon SES sandbox. For more information, see Moving out of the Amazon SES sandbox.
  • Confirm that your email-sending method is using the correct AWS Region. Email identity verification is separate for each Region. You must verify the identity that you use to send emails in each Region that you want to send emails from.
  • Confirm that you're connecting to the correct Amazon SES endpoint. Amazon SES has endpoints in several Regions. You must communicate with the endpoint for the Amazon SES SMTP interface or the Amazon SES API in the correct Region.

For more information on issues that can lead to errors when using Amazon SES, see Amazon SES email sending errors.

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 years ago