How do I troubleshoot sender ID issues when I send SMS messages in Amazon SNS?

3 minute read

My Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) mobile text messaging (SMS) sender ID isn't working. Or, the sender ID changes when it's delivered to recipients.


To resolve sender ID related issues when you send SMS messages in Amazon SNS, use one of the following resolutions for the specific issue that you experienced.

Note: To see a list of the countries that require a preregistered sender ID, see Supported countries and AWS Regions.

The sender ID is different from the one you configured

You must request a sender ID in the country that you send messages to.

Note: If you use an unregistered sender ID to send SMS messages to a country that requires preregistered sender IDs, then you can change the ID.

The sender ID is delivered as "NOTICE" to SMS message recipients

If you don't specify a sender ID when you send SMS messages to countries that require one, then NOTICE appears as the originating identity. To specify a sender ID in your publish request, use the Amazon SNS console or AWS SDKs.

The sender ID is delivered as "NOTICE" or "UNVERIFIED" to SMS message recipients without a resource-based policy

Sender IDs created after August 2024 must have a resource-based policy that allows SNS to use the Sender ID to send messages.

The following example resource-based policy allows Amazon SNS to send SMS messages with the specified sender ID:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:Partition:sms-voice:Region:Account:sender-id/Senderid/Countrycode",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "aws:SourceAccount": "Account"

SMS messages fail or are blocked when you use a sender ID

If your SMS messages fail or are blocked when you use a sender ID, then complete the following tasks:

If your messages still fail to send, then see How do I troubleshoot mobile text message (SMS) failures in Amazon SNS?

Note: Mobile phone carriers regularly audit bulk SMS message senders and can block messages if the messages don't comply with local laws and regulations. AWS also prohibits SMS spoofing, where the sender ID is used to impersonate another person, company, or product. For more information, see Amazon SNS SMS best practices.

The sender ID doesn't work in specific countries

If your sender ID doesn't work in specific countries, then complete the following tasks:

  • Confirm that the country that you send messages to supports sender IDs. If the country doesn't support sender IDs, then one of the other supported origination numbers is used to deliver your messages.
  • Check that the country that you send messages to requires a preregistered sender ID or message templates. To register your sender ID or message templates, see Request a sender ID in AWS End User Messaging SMS.

Note: Not all countries and Regions support sender IDs. In countries and Regions where sender IDs aren't supported, person-to-person (P2P) long codes or other supported origination numbers are used to deliver SMS messages.

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 months ago

I have added my Default sender ID under Text messaging preferences as outlined in this link However the message is still delivered as NOTICE. I am in the UK so supports sender ID.

replied a year ago

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

profile pictureAWS
replied a year ago