How do I find the top contributors to NAT gateway traffic in my Amazon VPC?

4 minute read

I want to find the top contributors of traffic through the NAT gateway in my Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

Short description

To find the top contributors of traffic through the NAT gateway in your Amazon VPC, complete the following steps:

  1. Use Amazon CloudWatch metrics to identify the time of traffic spikes.
  2. Use CloudWatch Logs to identify the instances that cause traffic spikes.
  3. Use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or Amazon Athena to identify the instances that cause traffic spikes.


Use CloudWatch metrics to identify the time of traffic spikes

Use the following CloudWatch metrics to identify and monitor the NAT gateway and specific time of the spikes:

  • BytesInFromSource — upload
  • BytesInFromDestination — download

Check that you turned on Amazon VPC Flow Logs for your Amazon VPC or NAT gateway elastic network interface. If you didn't turn on Amazon VPC Flow Logs, then create a flow log to turn it on. When you turn on Amazon VPC Flow Logs, flow log data is published to either CloudWatch Logs or Amazon S3.

Use CloudWatch Logs Insights to identify the instances that cause traffic spikes

Note: For the commands in steps 5, 6, and 7, replace example-NAT-private-IP with your NAT gateway private IP address and example-VPC-CIDR with your Amazon VPC CIDR.

1.    Open the CloudWatch console.

2.    In the navigation pane, choose Logs Insights.

3.    From the dropdown list, select the log group for your NAT gateway.

4.    Select a predefined time range, or choose Custom to set your own time range.

5.    Run the following command to identify instances that send the most traffic through your NAT gateway:

filter (dstAddr like example-NAT-private-IP and isIpv4InSubnet(srcAddr, example-VPC-CIDR)) | stats sum(bytes) as bytesTransferred by srcAddr, dstAddr
| sort bytesTransferred desc
| limit 10

6.    Run the following command to identify traffic that goes to and from the instances:

filter (dstAddr like example-NAT-private-IP and isIpv4InSubnet(srcAddr, example-VPC-CIDR)) or (srcAddr like example-NAT-private-IP and isIpv4InSubnet(dstAddr, example-VPC-CIDR))| stats sum(bytes) as bytesTransferred by srcAddr, dstAddr
| sort bytesTransferred desc
| limit 10

7.    Run the following commands to identify the internet destinations that the instances in your Amazon VPC communicate the most with:

For uploads:

filter (srcAddr like example-NAT-private-IP and not isIpv4InSubnet(dstAddr, example-VPC-CIDR)) | stats sum(bytes) as bytesTransferred by srcAddr, dstAddr
| sort bytesTransferred desc
| limit 10

For downloads:

filter (dstAddr like example-NAT-private-IP and not isIpv4InSubnet(srcAddr, example-VPC-CIDR)) | stats sum(bytes) as bytesTransferred by srcAddr, dstAddr
| sort bytesTransferred desc
| limit 10

Use Amazon S3 or Athena to identify the instances that cause traffic spikes

Note: For the commands in steps 3, 4, and 5, replace example-database-name.example-table-name with your database and table names. Replace example-y.y with the first two octets of your Amazon VPC CIDR and example-NAT-private-IP with your NAT gateway private IP address.

1.    Open the Amazon S3 console or the Athena console.

2.    Create a table. Annotate the database and table name, and then add the following filters to check for the top contributors of a specific time range:

  • start>= (example-timestamp-start)
  • end>= (example-timestamp-end)

3.    Run the following command to identify instances that send the most traffic through your NAT gateway:

SELECT srcaddr,dstaddr,sum(bytes) FROM example-database-name.example-table-name WHERE srcaddr like example-y.y AND dstaddr like example-NAT-private-IP group by 1,2 order by 3 desc
limit 10;

4.    Run the following command to identify traffic that goes to and from the instances:

SELECT srcaddr,dstaddr,sum(bytes) FROM example-database-name.example-table-name WHERE (srcaddr like example-y.y AND dstaddr like example-NAT-private-IP) or (srcaddr like example-NAT-private-IP AND dstaddr like example-y.y) group by 1,2 order by 3 desc
limit 10;

5.    Run the following commands to identify the internet destinations that the instances in your Amazon VPC communicate the most with:

For uploads:

SELECT srcaddr,dstaddr,sum(bytes) FROM example-database-name.example-table-name WHERE (srcaddr like example-NAT-private-IP AND dstaddr not like example-y.y) group by 1,2 order by 3 desc
limit 10;

For downloads:

SELECT srcaddr,dstaddr,sum(bytes) FROM example-database-name.example-table-name WHERE (srcaddr not like example-y.y AND dstaddr like example-NAT-private-IP) group by 1,2 order by 3 desc
limit 10;

Related information

Sample queries

Querying Amazon VPC flow logs

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AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago

My NAT Usage per day is ~ 800 GB but using the above information, I was able to track 3GB of usage for a 2 day time period. I only have NAT Gateway logs in cloudwatch and not the VPC Flow logs. Also, there is a private IP 172.168.x.x which is doing a lot of data transfer but my VPC only has 10.0.x.x private IP range. AWS Resource finder service also was not able to track the IP to a service inside my account.

replied a year ago

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

profile pictureAWS
replied a year ago

How do I identify which of my private IPs sends the most bytes to public IP

Using the instructions here I have identified (example, not the real IP) as a destination for lots of bytes.

Now I want to know from which internal IP(s) this traffic is coming from.

Seems like these instructions only cover traffic to and from the NAT, but I want data for traffic through the NAT.

replied 2 months ago

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

profile pictureAWS
replied 2 months ago