How do I set a different client language for my new Windows WorkSpace image?

2 minute read

I set the source WorkSpace language settings in Amazon WorkSpaces to a language other than English. Then, I created an image from that WorkSpace. When I launch a new WorkSpace from the new image bundle, the language reverts to English (US). I want to set the client language for my WorkSpace to use a different language.


Amazon WorkSpaces bundles support the Windows desktop experience for the English (US), French (Canadian), Korean, and Japanese languages. Download and install language packs for Windows directly from Microsoft. WorkSpaces client applications support the English (US), German, Chinese (Simplified), Japanese, French (Canadian), Korean, and Portuguese languages. For more information, see Available languages for Windows on the Microsoft website.

To configure a different language for a WorkSpace image, you must modify the Sysprep language parameters before you create the image.

Complete the followings steps:

  1. From the source WorkSpace, modify the language parameters in a specified XML file.
    For a WorkSpace without bring your own license (BYOL), the file path is C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Sysprep\Unattend.xml.
    For Windows 10 BYOL, the file path is C:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\Sysprep2008.xml.
    For Windows 11 BYOL, the file path is C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2Launch\sysprep\OOBE_unattend.xml.
    Use the following language parameters for the WorkSpace image:
  2. To replace en-US, enter the language-AWS Region tag for your chosen language. For example, enter de-DE for German.
  3. Create a custom WorkSpace image and bundle from the source WorkSpace.

When you launch a new WorkSpace from the new image bundle, the WorkSpace is set to your chosen language.

Related information

Requirements to create Windows custom images

Amazon WorkSpaces FAQs

Sysprep (System Preparation) Overview on the Microsoft website

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 8 months ago