How do I select or modify my WorkSpaces directory's subnets?

2 minute read

I need to change the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) subnets that are associated with my Amazon WorkSpaces directory.


You can select Amazon VPC subnets for an Amazon WorkSpace directory only when you register the WorkSpace directory. It's a best practice to modify subnets when you have a WorkSpaces development environment, or when you register a new WorkSpaces directory.

Select subnets when you register your directory

Review the Availability Zones for WorkSpaces Personal. Then, confirm that the required subnets are in one of these Availability Zones. If the subnets aren't in the supported zones, then they aren't visible for selection when you register the directory. If your subnets aren't in a supported Availability Zone, then create new subnets in a supported zone.


  • You must select exactly two subnets. Your WorkSpaces are launched in the subnets that you selected in a random, balanced fashion. You can't choose a subnet when you create an individual WorkSpace.
  • Verify that your subnets have sufficient available IP addresses before you select them.
  • If you don't specify a subnet, then the subnets are randomly selected.

Modify the subnets for a WorkSpace directory that's already registered

Complete the following steps:

  1. If the WorkSpace is already launched, then delete all the existing WorkSpaces.
    Note: Deleting a WorkSpace is a permanent action and you can't undo this action. The WorkSpace user's data is removed when the WorkSpace is deleted. It's a best practice to back up the required data manually before you delete the WorkSpaces.
  2. Deregister the WorkSpaces directory.
  3. Register the directory again with the required subnets.

After the directory is registered, the updated subnets appear in the directory details.

Troubleshoot subnets that are out of available IP addresses

If you can't create additional WorkSpaces because the selected subnets have no more available IP addresses, then complete the following steps:

  1. Create an Active Directory (AD) Connector directory that points to the current directory.
  2. Select new subnets with enough available IP addresses to register the AD Connector directory.
  3. Create additional WorkSpaces with the AD Connector directory.

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AWS OFFICIALUpdated 3 months ago

Thank you for documenting this.

Unfortunately the inability to expand a WorkSpaces Directory by adding more VPCs, Subnets or CIDR ranges is a major issue. Organisations who's WorkSpace use has grown beyond what was expected are forced to try to work across multiple WorkSpace Directories or delete all WorkSpaces and re-create them! Could AWS please cater for a method to add more WorkSpaces to an existing directory which has exhausted all available IPs?


replied 7 months ago

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

profile pictureAWS
replied 7 months ago