How do I resolve the "Directory Unavailable" error in WorkSpaces?

2 minute read

When I use the Amazon WorkSpaces client to log in, I receive the following error message: "Directory Unavailable: Your directory could not be reached at this time. Please contact your Administrator for more details."


First, verify that your WorkSpaces directory is in the Active state. If your directory is Active, but you still get the Directory Unavailable error, then take the following actions:

  • Verify that your configured RADIUS server is running. This error can occur when network modifications don't allow the RADIUS server to communicate with the domain controllers that use WorkSpaces.
  • Check your multi-factor authentication (MFA) configuration. Turn off MFA on the registered directory, and then log in. If you can log in, then see Why is MFA failing on my AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory or my AD Connector?
  • If you use AD Connector, then verify that its networking configuration allows outbound access to your domain controllers and your RADIUS server. Use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Flow Logs to confirm that all necessary traffic is sent to its destination.

Related information

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Use Microsoft Entra MFA and Microsoft Network Policy Server (NPS) for multi-factor authentication with Amazon WorkSpaces

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AWS OFFICIALUpdated 20 days ago