Django Tailwind on Elastic Beanstalk


Good day,

I recently deployed a Django project to Elastic Beanstalk using the following tutorial:

This is the website:

The website works fine, including the admin and database, except for the CSS, which gives an error

This template loads properly in development, but you can see the end product after deployment.

I tried including the container_command "python3 tailwind start", but this fails the deployment.

Can anyone assist me with this? I am not sure if this is an error in my django application or my EB configuration.

Thanks! If you need any code, I'll post it here

질문됨 일 년 전335회 조회
1개 답변
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Hi Marcus,

It seems the issue is with your static files not being served correctly. The tutorial you reference explains how you set up an s3 bucket to store the static files and then configure Django to find the static files in the bucket.

Review the section S3 for File Storage and let me know if that fixed it!

If the answer is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it.

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  • Yes. That was the issue! Thank you!

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