the sending rate of AWS SES



I'm using the SES service to send mails to users. The maximum send rate has been raised to 30, if I raise it to 40 or more,will it cost separate charge for raising the sending limits? And how much is the the maximum of sending rate?

I am looking farward to your reply. Best regards,

2개 답변

No, it will not cost separate charge for raising the sending limits. i have raised it to 50 ( send rate ) and no increase in the cost.

you just need to raise quota increase requests/tickets with proper description like ( why you want to increase your quota. )

( As of now for sandbox.) Daily sending quota 200 emails per 24-hour period

Maximum send rate 1 email per second

As there is no such maximum sending rate specified by AWS. you can increase as per your demands and environments but many things need to comply for this to increase like ( high quality content, low bounce and complaint rates, not exceeding your daily sending quota ). rest depends upon the aws support team. If they find it genuine and comply with there standards you sending rate gets Approved else rejected.

답변함 2년 전

Hi - Below resource provide a very detailed and good insights on Service quotas in Amazon SES

Also for Increasing your Amazon SES sending quotas, provides very good insight.

Per above , sending rate is an adjustable quota. There is no maximum limit provided publically but below note from the above resource should be reviewed if you are requesting manually.

In order to prevent our systems from being used to send unsolicited or malicious content, we have to consider each request carefully. If we're able to do so, we'll grant your request within the specified times listed below for the type of increase requested. However, if we need to obtain additional information from you, it might take longer to resolve your request. We reserve the right not to grant your request if your use case doesn't align with our policies.

Sending quota or Sending rate: Up to 24 hours.

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답변함 2년 전

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